Examination of Gyles Broome
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fol. 197r
The further Examinacion of Gyles Broome of dublin soldier aged lxxv yeares or thereaboutes taken the fifth daye of October 1652 before vs Sir Gerrard Lowther knight Sir Edward Bolton knight and Thomas Dongan Esquire Comissioners for Administracion of Justice Oyer and Terminer and Gaole delivery &c at dublin as followeth viz
The said Gyles Broome beinge further sworne and Examined saith that after the takeinge in of the <A> Castle of Knockrath in the County of wickloe by the Rebells in his former examinacion expressed and mencioned That Henry Broome the sonn of this Examinant was sent out went out of the Castle into the Parke from those that were within the Castle to kill a deare, and that (as his said sonn tould this Examinant) Cahir alias Charles Birne one of the sonns of Phelim mc Pheagh Birne, being then in the Parke called vnto the saide Henry Broome this Examinants said sonn, and Comanded him to go in forthwith into the Castle vnto Joabe ward and to require him at his perill to deliver out of the saide Castle three of the Englishmen that were then therin that is to saye Edward Sneap otherwaye comonly called Ned of the bridge, & Thomas Huntpatch the smith and Richard the Carpenter and that therevpon the saide Henry Broome
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<C> presently went into the said Castle of Knockrath and delivered the saide message vnto the saide Joabe ward whoe therevpon delivered out of the Castle the the saide three Englishemen vnto the said Cahir alias Charles Birne Tirlagh Birne the brother of Donnell oge Birne and to the said Donell oge Birne and Teige mc Donell Birne sonns of the saide Donell mc Hugh Duffe Birne, and this Examinant saith that he was present when the saide three Englishmen were soe delivered vnto the saide Cahir Birne and the rest of the saide Irish Rebells and turned the kaye of the doore when the said three English men were delivered out of the saide Castle as aforesaid, and saith that his said Master Joabe ward would trust none with keye but him this Examinant at that tyme, And further saith that the saide three Englishmen were delivered out in the Morneing <D> and saith that those in the Castle shortly after heard and were certainely informed that the saide three Englishmen were murdered by those that carryed them awaye or som other of the Rebells And further saith that to the best of his this Examinants Remembrance the said three Englishmen weare demanded & delivered out of the saide Castle and a re carryed away as aforesaid
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about the space of a forthnight after the saide Castle was taken in, and quarter given and Co Articles made by the Irishe as aforesaide <E> And this Examinant further saith that when at any tyme after the said Castle was surrendred the saide Luke Toole did heare any pistoll or gun shott of or any great noise in the Castle vpon anye occation the saide Luke would presently send into the said Castle to see and know what was the occation of such shootinge, and whether any more men or Armes or any releefe were come into the said Castle and would soe the Castle was often searched and saith That the said Tirlagh Birne & those that did soe search the said Castle tould them in the Castle that they weare soe comanded by the said Luke Toole to search the said Castle as aforesaide and further further saith not
Giles Broom{e}
Gerrard Lowther
Edw: Bolton
Tho: Dongan
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The further Examinacion
of Gyles Broome touching
the hangeinge of Edw: Sneap
and two other Englishmen