Examination of Luke Birne
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The Examinacion of Pheagh alias Luke Birne now of Bell gard in the Countie of Dublin & late of Killevana in the County of wickloe esquire taken the xvijth daye of September 1652 before vs Sir Gerrard Lowther knight Thomas Dongan Esquire Commissioners for Adminstracion of Justice Oyer and terminer & Gaole delivery &c and william Basill Esquire Attorney Generall for the Comonwealth and one of the Justices of peace for the Province of Leinster as followeth
Whoe beinge sworne and Examined saith that in November 1641 a greate partie of the Irish Army in the Countie of wickloe <A> and theire adherents to the number of fifteene hundred or thereabouts most of them beinge well armed of which partie Luke Toole of Castlekevyn esquire
was Cheefe in Comand marched vp in warlick manner vnto the Castle of Knockrath in the County of wickloe belongeinge vnto Joabe ward Esquire wherein the saide Joabe ward and Many English and Protestants then were and saith that the saide partie beinge come vp to the said Castle and demanded the same to be delivered vp into the hands and possession of the said Luke Toole and that partie vnder his Comand and saith that beinge at first denyed, the said Luke Toole this Examinant and the rest fell to a treaty with the saide Joan ward to deliver the said Castle vpon quarter and that ther vpon it was Concluded and agreed vpon that the saide Joabe ward should have quarter and securty
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for himselfe his servants his tenants and all the rest of the English and protestants that were then in the saide Castle both for their lives and all such goods <B> mony plate howshold stufe as any of them then had in the saide Castle and that he the saide Joabe ward and the rest of the English should have tyme to remove themselves & theire goods to dublin or where els they pleased vntill the end of one month followinge or vpwards as he remember and saith that he this examinant was a greate meanes & instrument for procuringe soe good quarter vnto the English as aforesaid; And further saith that the Condicions of the said Quarter was drawne vpp into Arctecles in writeinge, and saith that the saide Articles were signed and subscribed by the <C> saide Luke Toole by this Examinate & by the rest whose names insue vizt Garrat mc Phelim Birne of Ballykirnie in the County of wickloe gen tleman Caher mc Phelim Birne of Cloharnagh in the said County gentleman Donnell mc Hugh Duff of Ballindery in the saide County gen tleman Tirla and his towe sonn e s Tirlagh mc Donnell of Ballinderry and Donnell oge Birne of t h e same gen tleman in the said County gen tleman Tirlagh mc William Birne of Ballydaghan in the s a id County Barnaby Toole luke Tooles Eldest sonn; and that the saide Articles was allsoe signed and subscribed by most of all the officers that were in Comand in
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in that Army or partie aforesaide, and this Examinant further saith <D> that by the Condicions of the saide Articles the before named Donnell mc Hugh Duff Birne and his saide twoe sonns Tirlagh mc Donnell and Donnell oge Birne, were left therewith <the> saide Joabe ward to secure the said Joabe his servants tenants and the rest of the of English & Protestants in the saide Castle that noe violence or iniury should be done vnto them or their goods and to see the said Arctecles duely kept and performed on the parte of the Irishe; And this Examinant further saith that after the said quarter given and Articles for <E> performeinge the same wer concluded as aforesaid this Examinant with such parte of the saide Army as was vnder his comand marched vpp to Carnow, and saith that he doth not know e what was done or acted by any of the saide Armye vnto the said Castle or any that was therin after the said quarter given and articles concluded as aforesaid he this Examinant doth not knowe nor hath heard. And further deposeth not
Luke Birne
Gerrard Lowther
Tho: Dongan
William Basil
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The Examinacion of Luke
Birne touchinge
the takeinge of Joabe
wards Castle & the Article
there made by Luke Toole