Deposition of Edward Rolland
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:01 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 326r
Edward Rolland of Glasnamucky in the County of Dublin husbandman sworne and examined saith That on or about the 14th day of November last past, he was at Glasnamucky aforesaid by certeine Rebells in the night tyme whose names he Knoweth not robbd and dispoiled of his goods & chattles and of the values following vizt of a nagg and Mare worth vj li. x s., of Hay worth fiue Pownds and of howsholdgoods worth xx s., of a gar d the proffitts of a garden of Potatos and other rootes worth 2 li. <14 li. 10 s.> In all of the value of 14 li. 10 s., And further sayth that as he hath beene credibly informed and beleeveth one Laughlin Kennett of Glasnamucky <A> aforesaid Alehowskeeper hath and rydeth this deponents said nagg and is a trouper for and amongst the Rebells
signum Edwardi Rolland
Jur 25 ffebr 1641
William Hitchcocke
Hen: Brereton
fol. 326v
70 Com Dublin
Edward Rowland
Jur 24th of ffebr 1641
Intw Cert 14. nov
52 +