Examination of Joan Byrne

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=811229r157] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:53 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-12-30
Identifier: 811229r157


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wicklow
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Multiple Killing
Commissioners: Gerard Lowther, Thomas Dongan
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 229r

The examinacion of Joan Byrne alias Brandon wyfe of Thadey Byrne of Shanganagh in the County of Dublin gent taken before vs Sir Gerrard Lowther knight and Thomas Dongan Esquire the xxxth day of December in the yeare of our lord God 1652 by vertue of the Commission of the right honorable the Comissioners for the Parliament of England for the affayres of Ireland, bearing date at Dublin the xxvijth of November in the yeare aforesayd authorising vs and others or any one or more of vs (amongest other things) to take examinacions of the Massacres murders and Robberies which have beene committed vpon the English and Protestantes in Ireland &c.
The sayd examinant being of the age of ffortie six yeares or neere thereabouts and beinge duely sworn vpon the holy Evangelistes and examined deposeth and sayth vpon her oath, That living at Ballygarny in the County of Wickloe at the begining of the Rebellion, ther lived alsoe there an English man and a p rotestant named Nathaniel Snapp, whoe was servant vnto Mr Silvester Kennedy And the sayd Nathaniell and one John Lissin an other English man and a protestant Sheapheard vnto the Earle of Meath And that They the sayd Nathaniel and John being at Kilmartin in the sayd County of Wickloe neere vnto Ballygarny aforesayd, and intending to bring thence some dry Cowes of the sayd Mr Kennedies which were then there; The sayd Nathaniell and John were then taken and apprehended by some of Collonell Luke Tooles souldiers, whoe brought them presently from thence to the Hall of Ballygarney aforesayd, where the sayd Luke <B> Toole then was, And after some speech had with them by the sayd Luke, he Commaunded them to be carried forth and hanged vpon a tree in the sayd Towne of Ballygarney

fol. 229v

Ballygarney vntill they were both dead; And this examinant finding them both dead at the sayd tree she taking compassion of them presently after buried them and this examinant further sayth not
The marke [mark] of Joan Byrne
Gerrard Lowther
Tho: Dongan

Mr Robert Kennedy of Dublin Esquire hath vndertaken that the sayd Joan Birne shall appeare in the high Court of Justice at Dublin the first day of the sitting of that Court and shall give evidence there against the sayd Luke Toole for the murder aforesayd and shall not depart thence without licence of the sayd Court
<Examined by Nic: Browne>

fol. 230r


fol. 230v

The examinacion of Joan
Byrne against Luke
Toole for the murder
of Nathaniell Snapp and
John Lissin.


Deponent Fullname: Joan Byrne
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent Occupation: Wife
Deponent County of Residence: Dublin
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Thadey Byrne, Earle of Meath, Luke Toole, Nathaniel Snapp, John Lissin, Silvester Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Nic Browne
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel, Victim, Victim, Victim, Mentioned, Examiner