Deposition of William Walker ex parte William Sambath
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:05 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 339r
William Walker of the Citty of Dublin Gentleman sworne and Examined Deposeth, and Sayeth, that Sir William Sambach knight his Maiesties Sollicitor generall of his highnes Kingdome of Ireland (as he this deponent doth verilie beleiue) had the xxiijth of Octo{ber} now last past, due and oweinge vnto him by bonds which are in his custodie, and otherwise, diverse and sundrie summs of money (from severall persons in this Kingdome of Ireland) amountinge in the whole to about 3800 li. and vpwards And that by reason of this present rebellion he the said Sir William cannot receiue any parte thereof, some of his debtors beinge (as this Deponent hath heard and doth verilie beleiue) in actuall rebellion, and the rest disabled in this Rebellion to make satisfaccion And this Deponent alsoe Deposeth, and sayeth that the said Sir William hath due vnto him from ffrancis Mackawy of Ballyneskeagh in the County of Kildare Esquire 150 li. rent due out of the Towne and lands of Ballyneskeag{h} which by reason of this rebellion he the said Sir William cannot receiue, as he this deponent verilie beleiueth
William Walker
Jurat 17to Martij 1641
John Sterne
William Hitchcocke
fol. 339v
fol. 340r
fol. 340v
87 Dubljn
William Walker Jur 17o Marcij 1641