Examination of Morgan mcDonell Byrne

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=811240r163A] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:02 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1654-03-07
Identifier: 811240r163A


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wicklow
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Words
Commissioners: Isaac Dobson, William Markham
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 240r

The examjnacion of Morgan mc Donell Byrne late of Holliwood in the County of wickloe now prisoner in Dublin aged about forty yeares taken the seauenth of March 1653 [ ]
Who beeing examjned saith, That at the begining of the Rebellion the examjnant liued in and neere Holliwood aforesaid, Hee saith hee did not knowe Jane fflood or her husband Phillipp fflood but saith that hee heard that there was one Jane Mountfort [ ] who was madd in the said towne of Holliwood, and be what became of her hee the examjnant knoweth not, And further saith not
Morgan [mark] Donells marke
Taken before vs the day
and yeare aforesaid by the
interpretacion of Roger
Groues vppon oath
Isaac Dobson
William Markham

fol. 240v


fol. 240ar

fol. 240av

{ }

Deponent Fullname: Morgan mc Donell Byrne
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Wicklow
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Roger Groues, Jane fflood, Phillipp fflood, Jane Mountfort
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Interpreter, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned