Deposition of William Whitefeild
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:05 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 342r
<primo Martij 1641>
William Whitefeild of the Cittie of Dublin gent beinge examined vpon oath deposeth that he had due vnto him at the begininge of this rebellion in Ireland (which he verily beleeueth is vtterly lost by reason the his seuerall debtors the persons vndernamed, vpon whom the monyes were due) are all of them either stripped and rob’d of all they had by the Rebells, or are in rebellion vizt the seuerall sommes following vizt: By
Capt John Blundell by bond..................................................Cx li.
Sir Lucas Dillon by bond.......................................................xij li. x s.
Mr Henry Dodwell by Bill.....................................................iiij li.
Mr Clement fitz Gerrald by bond..........................................viij li.
Mr Humphrey Reynolds........................................................Cx s.
Mr Gilbert Tarlton..................................................................vij li. or therabouts
Due vpon some Natiues in the County
of Gallway & Mayo, by bill sent
downe by one John Linch......................................................Cx s.
Disbursed and to be paid for passinge of patents
for the ô Rorks & Magranells in
the County of Leytrim now in
Rebellion................................................................................xxxij li. or therabouts
Lost in rents in the County of
Kildare & other places for a yeare at Least...........................xiiij li. per annum
Lost by his imployments for the two
Last Tearmes past, which he verily
beleeueth would amount at Least li.
And for the two Last sommes vizt for his rents & imployments he is Likely to Loose the like altogether sa duringe the continuance of these troublesome times
William Whitefeild
Jurat Mar: 3tio 1641 coram nobis
Joh Watson:
William Aldrich
fol. 342v
The said William Whitefeild further deposeth by vertue of his former oath that the 4th & fifth of March 1641 he was Comaunded by directions from the state, for the better furtherance of his Maiesties service designe (which he most willingly & humbly obeyed) to pull downe in the subvrbs of Dublin three Tenements vizt one Tyled one house, one slated house & one thatched house, which cost this deponent & his Mother in Law, (besides the Lease) in ready mony for building &c, at least.......xl li.
William Whitefeild
Jurat: Martij 9o 1641
John Sterne
William Hitchcocke
In toto: 267-00-00
fol. 343r
fol. 343v
William Whitfeild Jur 3o
Marcij 1641
Cert fact