Deposition of Thomas Pomfrett
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:08 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 148r
Thomas Pomfrett late of Bridane in the parish of Lismore barony of Cosmore & Cosebridy & within the County of Waterford gen (a brittish protestant) being duely sworne & examined before vs by vertue of his Maiesties Comission beareing date &c deposeth and saith That on or aboute the 20th of ffebruary last & since the begining of this presente rebellion in Ireland he lost was robbed & forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chattles to the seuerall values followeing vizt value of 464 li. Part consisting of debtsOf Cowes one bull steeres heiffers mares horses coults and sheepe at Bridane aforesaid to the value of one hundred fortie & six pounds Of houshould stuffe to the value of ten pounds The deponent saith that by meanes of this presente rebellion he was dispossessed of his said farme of Bridane wherin he had a lease of six & twenty yeeres yeet to come woorth Coibus annis aboue the land lords rent forte fortie pounds per annum which lease he valueth to be woorth three hundred pounds Of debts which he accounted goode debts before the begining of this presente rebellion amounting to the summe of eight pounds due due vpon owing by John o Carroll alias O Carroll But in regard the said John O Carroll whoe is out in actuall rebellion Therefore the deponent canot gett satisfaction from him The totall of his losses amounts to foure hundred three score and foure pounds And further he nowe deposeth that ffrancis Shelby of the [ ] Bridane aforesaid & his wife were stripped by the rebells & further he deposeth notTho: Pomfrett
Jurat corma nobis 10 Augusti
Phil: Bisse
Jam: WallisJam: Wallis
fol. 148v
The examination
of Thomas Pomfrett