Deposition of Thomas Wilkinson
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:05 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 348r
Tho: Wilkinson of the Cittie of Dublin gentleman sworne & examined saith That he this deponent being one of the Attorneys in his highnes Corte of Chancery hath by the meanes of the presente rebellion lost and beene deprived of the proffitts and perquisites of his said place to his present losse of 100 li. & is like to loose & be deprived of the proffits and benefite thereof to come vntill a peace be setled: And hath alsoe by meanes of this Rebellion lost in due debts owing vnto him by seuerall persons within this Kingdome worth ffiftie pownds or thereabouts: some of the debtors being in Rebellion & the rest robbed and disabled by the rebellion to make satisfaccion
Tho: Wilkonson
Jurat: March 19th 1641
William Aldrich
William Hitchcocke
fol. 348v
94 Dubljn
Tho: Wilkinson
Jur 19o Marcij 1641
Cert fact