Deposition of David Welsh
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:40 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 102r
David Welsh of the Cittie of Dublin gent sworne & examined sayth: That when this present Rebellion began there were due and owing vnto him this deponent by divers persons within this kingdome seuerall somes amounting in all to the sume of Eighty fiue powndes The greatest whereof was and is still owing vnto him: by those which are robbed or otherwise by the Rebellion disabled to make satisfaccion: & that the rest being 10 li. or thereabouts was & is owing vnto him by one John Lewis Late of the Citty of Dublin Taylor whoe a little before the Rebellion was in Dublin aforesaid but being a papist went out of the Citty & the deponent did never see him since But is perswaded he is in Rebellion: Soe as by meanes of the Rebellion The deponent is perswaded he shall loose the said debtes
David Walsh
Jur xiijo Januarij 1642
Will: Aldrich
Hen: Brereton
Edw: Pigott
fol. 102v
David Welsh Jur 13o Januarij 1642
Cert fact