Examination of James Boy Kernan

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=812104r118] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:12 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-08-14
Identifier: 812104r118


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Carlow & Killkenny
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Captivity, Killing
Commissioners: Henry Jones, Henry Prity
Deposition Transcription:

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The Examination of James boy Kernan of Carlo in the County of Carlo Turner taken the 14th day of August 1652 before vs Col: Henery Prity and Heney Jones Justices of the peace for Limster
<A> The Examinat saith that he was a seruant to Mr Robert Michell of Catherlagh whom he serued twelue yeares, that att the begining of the warrs in Ireland about Chrismas 1641 [ ] the Examinant going out of the Castell of Catherlagh in to the towne he was taken by the Irish and put there in to prison among many English, & he the Examinent was then Caried a way to Laughlen s Laughlyn bridge in the Co: of Carloe where he was put into a foote Company h of Walter Bagnalls of Du nleckny of the Co: of Carloe who was h e then Comanding att Laughlond that Sir Thomas Butler with his Lady and Rich Rich Richard Lake and others were brought prisoners to Laughlond afore sayd being taiken from Rahellin belongin to Sir Thomas Butler afore sayd, that shortly after, Rich Lake aforesaid & his wife and Chilldren and Samewell Hatt{er} & about 50 English persons were sen{t} away as if to Doncanon to be se{nt} <B> in to England,: that Te{ge} {Madlin} {} Sargant to Walter B{agnall} { } them with a

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That he this Examinent was forsed away with the sayd English to be sent away: That the [ ] party went as farre as Kil cruit about six miles from Laughl o nd aforesayd that neere Knockmill aboue a bo mile & halfe from <C> Laughlond, Charles Dempsye leftenant to Walter Bagnall with one James ffreny did meete the party & he the sayd Dempsye Deliuerd a paper to the sayd Tege Madlin the Sergant and after departed but that the sayd ffreny went forward with the party: that the sayd sergant commaunded the party to march one while he Conferd with the sayd Dempsye & was receuing the sayd paper he after which the sayd Sergant, he after followedd and being Com to the party with a pa [ ] per in his hand vnto them tould one in the Company that he had orders for hanging Rich: Lake & Samewell hatter who was to be hangd (as the Sargant sayd) at St Mulin: that Coming to [Kilenet] aforesayd mayd Killcruit in the Co: of Carloe ther made a stand and Commanded this <D> Examinant to hang theyr the sayd Lake: that the Examinent desiering to know by what order the Sargant said the orders were in the paper and withall strooke and wonded this Examinent so as he was Constrained there to hang the sayd Lake: he saith that the Rest of the sayd English were driuen thence and what became of them the Examinent knoweth not only that he hard hath heard { } that Samewell Samuel hatter was hangd { } att St Mullin aforesayd, this exam{inent being} demanded from whome that paper

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paper of orders was sent which was deliuered by the sayd Dempsye he saith he Knoweth not, being Demanded wheather he had not hangd anymore then the sayd Richard Lake: and whether he did not boaste of his so doing, . he denieth that he euer did hang anymore or that he did speke any thing to that efeckt to any. being Demaunded the name { s } of such as he doth remember to haue bin present att the <E> hanging of the said Richard Lake, he anssurd that James Caffin & Rich Richard Caffin both of Laughloynd aforesaid, Thomas Roth of the same Dermot Ruddy of the same, Edward White & John Mc Simon Byrne then now of Raduff in the County of Catherlagh of the same ware all there with armes some with pikes some with muskets and then marched out of Laughloynd with that party and were present when the sayd Lake was sufred as a fore sayd: also that Donogh bane Birne now liveing with James Freny [ ] was one of the Corporals of that Company which was for that convoy before mentioned & was present at the said execution. And further saith not. Onely that the said James Freny sent for the two sled-carrs on which the said Lake was executed.
James [mark] boy Kerevans
This examination was
taken before vs August 14
Hen: Prittie
Hen: Jones

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19 {8}
The Examination of
James boy Kerevan
August 14 1652
Rich Lake etc

Deponent Fullname: James boy Kernan
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Tanner
Deponent County of Residence: Carlow
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Robert Michell, Walter Bagnall, Te{ge} {Madlin}, Charles Dempsye, James ffreny, Richard Caffin, James Caffin, Thomas Roth, Edward White, john Mc Simon Byrne, Donogh bane Birne, Thomas Butler, Richard Lake, Samewell Hatt{er}
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Victim, Victim