Deposition of Daniell Barwick
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 11:49 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 113r
Daniell Barwick now of the Citty of Dublin gent Captain of his Maiesties pinnace called the Swann sworne and examined saith That before this present Rebellion began hee this deponent left in the hands of one Michaell Murphy late of Balrothery in the County of Dublin of his this deponents owne proper goods vizt xx t y eight English Cowes worth xxviij li., and left alsoe with one Henry of Killeleine nere Balthrothery farmer seven yong Cattle worth [ x] li. tenn pownds. And sayth that the said Michaell Murfy goeing into this rebellion tooke away with him the said Cowes and yong beasts <43 li.> of the value aforesaid, & alsoe one horse of the deponents worth ffive powndes more: soe as the deponent hath quite Lost the same; And further saith that befor the Rebellion began there were & yet are divers somes of money owing vnto him by divers of the Irishe & others Robbed by the rebells within the province of Munster amounting in all to <147 li.> Cxlvij li. which hee is confident that he shall absolutely <In toto 190 li.> Loose for that some of his debts vizt Donnell McTeige รด Soolevan nere the Baintry gentleman Owen McTeige of the same his brother Teige McCarty nere the Baintrie gent John Barry of Beere havan gentleman & others whose names he cannott Remember are gone into Rebellion & all his specialities concerning those debts are left amongst the Rebells & the rest of his debtors robbed, & soe disabled by the Rebellion to give him satisfaccion
Daniell Barwicke
Jur xxvjo May 1642
Will: Hitchcocke
Hen: Brereton
John Sterne:
fol. 113v
Daniell Barwick
Jur 26o May 1642