Deposition of Daniell Barwick
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:56 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
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Daniell Barwick of the Cittie of Dublin gentleman Comander of one of his Maiesties pinnaces called the swann sworne and examjned saith: That about the xxviijth of January Last, this deponent, for himself & his men wanting victualls Landed at the towne of Howth within seven fower myles of dublin with intencion to gett provition for them where in respect the whole towne was protected he the rather came with assurance safely to gaine it, And saith that after he was Landed, he this deponent was surprised & seised on suddenly by one of the brothers of Mr Russell <A> of Rushe, whose Christe n names he thincks to be ffrancis, and by divers other rebellious & roguish villaines, whom hee knoweth not, And first they carried this deponent to the house of Luke Nettervjlle Esquire the Collonell Rebell which Luke Nettervjle sent the deponent from thence to Balldungan to Thomas ffitzwilliams gent there gent whoe imprisoned this deponent there for 7 or 8 weekes, within and during which tyme, this deponent observed and s aw e the for soe it was generally reported that the Earl L ord of Gormounston & the rest of the Collonells and Comanders of Rebells hadd hadd <b> a meeting at Kilsaughan & Gormanston to assesse the gent of the Cuntry to a Contribucion for mantenance of the warrs of the Rebells, And that George Blackney of Rickenhoe being then by the Rebells made highe sherriff of the County of Dublin Thomas fffit zwilliams of Baldungan gent Mars ha ll of the Rebells and one Russell then a Collector, in this deponents presence redd a List of the names of the gent which were to be contributors to those warrs, and then alsoe this deponent he heard the said Thomas ffitzwlliams complaine that the he was assessed too high by that List, Wherevnto hee was answered that he needed not complaine for that Alderman Robert Arthur then and yet an Alderman of Dublin (that had a Liveing att Hackerstowne nere the Skerryes) was by the List and assessment to pay fifteene shillinges a weeke & fynd twoe horses to serve in the
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Rebells warrs against the King And then this deponent Lookeing over their shouldjers on the List of assessment observed & saw that the said Mr Arthur was thereby to pay the said xv s. per weeke & provide and fynd twoe horses for the rebells accordingly And this deponent observed & saw likewise that afterwards the said Alderman sent twoe saddles horses furnished for and towards the Rebells at Killsaughlan wh i ther whether the army from Dublin (as was expected) was to come but fayling the horses were retorned back becawse horsemea te was there scarse thincketh that the said Mr Arthur paid the said xv s. soe assessed weekly for otherwise their high sherriff whoe hadd full power to distreign his goods wold as he is perswaded haue taken them for it, as he thincks he did not, And this deponent further saith That one <D> Mr Arthur (sonn of the same Alderman Arthur) a yong man about 19 or 20 yeres of age, during the tyme of this deponents restraint and imprisonment there, often ca m t came to the said Tho: ffitzwilliams the Marshall & there fownd great fawlt that this deponent had soe much Libertie: Saying that if in case they wold not keepe the deponent close prisoner he wold complaine to the Collonells ffor of in case saying farther if any of there o u r men were be taken they are putt in prison and starved or presently hanged And he said further I heare that Alderman Jans is hanged, & that if he be soe wee will hang 6 Captaines for him whereof this man meaneing the deponent shalbe one And further saith that a lsoe when this deponent was in prison there came one to the Marshall aforesaid whoe relateing to him some newes: It was then which was that some men were to land out of England
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and the army to come out of dublin. Itt was then and there doubted whether the same newes were true or noe Wherevnto the party that brought the newes said (whoese name he knowes not but thincks he is was a shopkeeper in Dublin) said it must needes be true ffor that Alderman Arthur before named had written a letter to the Lord of Gormanstoun to come downe that purpose, and that Alderman Arthur aforesaid would come downe and be at Haggerstowne at a day which he then mencioned Att which very day day the said Alderman came thither accordingly And further saith That the said Alderman Arthur hearing that the army wold come downe from dublin sent twoe cart loades of his goodes from his howse at or neere Haggarstowne ino the north part of <E> Ireland. And further saith That one Fox servant to the said Alderman Arthur haveing gotten a warrant for pressing of some men for making of th ree boats for surprising of 2 dutch shipps then Lying at a cke r ancker nere Irelands Eye came to this deponent being in prison & shewed his said warrant, saying this deponent must assist him therein wherevnto this deponent answered that the king had long intrusted him this deponent with shipps of his owne, & that he wold not now take vp armes again{st} him: Wherevnto this deponent replyed the said ffox replyed that if this deponent wold not goe with him: he would hang this deponent the next day viijt a clock and that they meaneing himself & the rest of the rebells, would have shipps at sea aswell as the others: Howbeit before the next day the said shipps, by gods providence: Loosed ancker and had wynd <ff> which carried them away: And further saith that one Delahojd of Rush aforesaid gentleman, did in this deponents presence give most base reports and words of the against the Late queene Elizabeth of famous memory: Which o f he can, yet is ashamed, give an accompt, to expresse, & paid x s. a weeke for mantenance of the Rebells warrs as his deponent, verely thincketh, And
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rather thincketh it to bee soe: ffor that hee this deponent sawe in the List of assessment the some of x s. x [ ] s. per weeke putt vpon his head for that purpose, And further saith that one Mr Welshe <G> of Kinure in the County of Dublin gente now with the said delahoid, a prisoner in the Castle was by the List of assessment to pay towards the manteinance of the warrs of the Rebells about x s. per weeke
Daniell Barwicke
Jur xxiijo May 1642
Joh Watson:
Randall: Adams:
Will: Aldrich
Daniell Barwick Jur
23o May 1642