Examination of Nicholas Comerford

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=812135r135] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:09 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-10-27
Identifier: 812135r135


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Carlow & Killkenny
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: Henry Jones, John Farrer
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 135r

<A> The Examinacion of Mr Nicholas Comerford of Thynegarne in the Countye of Catherlaghe taken before vs att Kilkenny the 27th of October 1652
The said examinatt beinge duely sworen and examined sayth, that Captain Walter Chambers with a partye of horse & foote Marchinge in the yeare 1643 towards Paulstowne in the Countye of Kilkeny vppon what designe this deponent knoweth not, But saith that vppon the retourne of the said Captaine & his said partye In their way towards Catherlaghe tooke the Catle of those partes Amoungst which the Deponentes catle were taken, vppon notice wherof this deponent went from his owne house, in expectacion to get restitucion of his owne catle from the said Captain Chambers who was allwayes a frinde vnto this deponent. And this Deponent sayth that in his said goeinge the irrishe partye consistinge of horse and foote then beinge att Laughlin vppon the heu and crye that was raised, Rescued the said Catle & Routed the said Captain Chambers and his partye, And in the Skirrmisshe the said Captaines horse was wounded, and himselfe invironed and surrounded by a partye of the said Irrish horse as this deponent was informed, And that then the said Captain Chambers inquired whether Sir Walter Butler was of that partye & desired to be brought before him as this Deponent heard, And beinge tould that Sir Walter was not there, hee cryed out to knowe whether any frinde of his, out of that syde of the Countrye was neere And beinge informed that this deponent was neere, in pursuite of his catle he cryed the second tyme that this deponent should come to him Whervppon this deponent beinge caled vppon; he repayred to the said Captain who most earnestly desired this deponent to indeavour to saue his life, vntill he had beene brought before the said Sir Walter Butler vppon which this Deponent after much importunitie prevailed with the said horse to saue the said Captain vntill he were brought before the said Walter Butler as he desired, vppon which the said Captain deliuered his Rapier
<B> And thervppon this Deponent had the said Captain mounted and brought to Laughlin aforesaid, where the said Captain was kept vntill the said Sir Walter came uppon this deponents sendinge for him upon the instance of the said Captain Chambers as aforesaid; And from thence the said Sir Walter Conveighed the said Captain to Paulstowne that night, & after was by him brought to Kilkeny aforesaid where he was executed by Generall Prestons orders as was credibly related to this Deponent:
Nicholas Comerford
Taken befor vs the
day & year aboue written
Jo ffarrer
Hen: Jones

fol. 135v


fol. 136r


fol. 136v


The Examinacion of Nicholas Comer
ford taken the 27 Octob 1652
concerning Captain Chambres death
being killed after quarter

Deponent Fullname: Nicholas Comerford
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Carlow
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Walter Chambers, Walter Butler, Generall Preston
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Mentioned, Rebel