Deposition of Roger Didsbery
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:05 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 134r
Roger Didsbery of the Cittie of Dublin Merchant sworne and examjned saith That since the begining of the present Rebellion, vizt vpon or about the xvjth day of November Last past 1641 he this deponent, was by the rebells in the Countie of Catherlogh deprived, robbed, or otherwise dispoiled of his goodes and chattles of the values hereafter mencioned vizt of Cattle worth xij li. of debts amounting to 14 li. of his interest possession and the benefite & proffitt of twoe farmes the one at Colemanaghe clerely worth xiij li. per annum for xxty of which he had a leas for thirtie twentie yeres yet in being which before the rebellion was worth to be sold Nynetie one pounds & thother farme lying being at Hacketstowne clerely worth vj li. per annum which he alsoe held by leas for thirty yeres to come: & which before the rebelljon was worth to be sould xxxv li. ster Soe as his whole losse by meanes of this rebellion amounteth to the Summe of Clij li. ster as he is verely perswad perswaded
Roger Didsberey
Jurat: Marty 28o 1642
Hen: Brereton
William Hitchcocke
fol. 134v
90 Dublin 126
Roger Didsberry Jur
28 Marcy 1642
16. no.
94 +