Deposition of John Nicolls
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:36 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 207r
John Nicolls late of Tallogh in the Barrony of Cosmore and Cosbride and within the County of Waterford Marchant A brittish protestant duly sworne and Examined before vs, by vertue of his Maiesties Comission, deposeth and saith that on or about the Eighteenth day of ffebruary last past and since the beginning of this presente Rebellion in Ireland, he lost was robbed, and forcibly dispoyled of his goodes and Chattles to the seuerall values following vizt value of 194 li. Inprimis[John] Nicolls
Of his Cowes, Oxen horses Mares and swyne to the value of ffifty eight powndes Of his goodes and household stuffe to the value of ffifty shillinges Of his wares and Merchandizes to the value of ffifty powndes . he likewise saith that he was dispossest of a lease for same wherein he had bestowed greate chardges in fencing and manuring the land, soe that he Conceiueth himslefe to be damnified thereby threescore pownds . Of Corne which he lost three powndes Ten shillinges, This deponent further saith that he was dispossest of another farme, worth over a n d a boue the landlords rent, to this deponent Nine pownds Ninteene shillinges per Annum, in which lease th e deponent together with his improvement in building fencing &c Conceiueth himselfe damnified Twenty powndes the totall of his losses amounts to the some of one hundred ffower score and fowerteene powndes, And further deposeth not
Jurat coram nobis 23d Aug:
Phil: Bisse
Jam: Wallis
fol. 207v
The Examinacion of
John Nicolls
WaterfordPeter [ ]