Deposition of Abell Morgan
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:32 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 210r
Abell Morgan late of Ballymally in the parish of White Church Barrony of Deces without the Drum in the County of Waterford Esquire (a Brittish Protestant) being duely sworne & examined vpon his Oath by vertue of his Maiesties Comission beareinge date &c deposeth & saith that since Ch r istmas about Ch r istmas last & since the begininnge of this present Rebellion in Ireland he hath bine robbed & forcibly dispoiled of his goods & Chattells to the seuerall values followeinge (vizt) value of 1410 li. Of Cowes Oxen heifers horses & Mares & S wine vallued to be worth 100 li. sterling which he hath lost by the Rebbells
Of Implements for husbandry as three waines Iron Chaines, harrowes & other things belongeinge to husbandry to the vallue of 20 li. sterling
Of linnen woollen, weareinge apparrell and houshold stuffe to the value of 30 li. sterling
This deponent further saith that being expelled from his howse & ffarme at Whitechurch aboue said where he left Corne in house barne & haggard to the vallue of 200 li. sterling which was likewise robbed of
And further saith that he left Corne in ground there aboue 30 Acres vallued at which he conceiu th to be lost 60 li. sterlingHe further saith that by meanes of this Rebellion in not soweing e his oates & Barly h e hath lost at least 100 li. sterlingHe further saith that by meanes of this Rebellion he was dispossessed of his ffarm e at Whitechurch abouesaid which he held from Garrett fitz Gerra l d Lord of the Deces wherein he had thirty odd yeares yet to come & could have made 100 li. per Annum more then the Rent he paid (which was 50 li. per Annum vallued at which he conceiueth to be lost Abell Morgan
being well Improud in which he is damnifyed one thousand pownds . he was robd by the rebells in those parts whose names he knoweth not .
The totall of his losses amount to the summe of one thousand fowr hundred & ten pownds and further he cannot depose
Jurat coram nobis
18th June
Phil:{Bisse} Tho Badnedge
{Thom}as Ellwe{ll}
fol. 210v
The examination of
Abell Morgan
[ ] 336