Deposition of John Lewys
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:19 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 162r
John Lewys of the Cittie Dublin merchant, Late servant vnto Richard Warburton of the same place merchant, sworne and examined deposeth and sayth that he hath Liued with the said Richard Warburton as a Jorneman for the space of fowre yeares (Last past) and vpwards, and duringe that tyme hath beene, and now is, well apprised and acquainted with his shop, Bookes and Accompts by which appeareth to be dew vnto him the said Warburton, as per the particular Accompts appeareth which this deponant verily beleeueth to be trewly wrytten and contriued, at the begininge of this presente Rebellion, & at this tyme, Sundry somms of money by diuers persons within the kingdome of Ireland (which are eyther knowne by this deponant to be in actuall Rebellion, or otherwise are apprehended, and imprisoned for the same, and the rest for very strong reasons is perswaded, are alsoe turned Rebells) Amountinge vnto the somme of Twelue hundred seauenty Eight pownds, fiue shillings three pence. And by the same Accompts, and Bookes appeareth to be dew vnto him the said Warburton by diuers other persons, whom this deponant beleeueth the Rebells have slayne, Robbed, dispoyled and made vnable to sattisfie, Amountinge vnto the somme of fowre Thowsand Eight hundred twenty fowre pownds & seauenteene shillings more. And by the same Accompts and bookes itt alsoe appeareth, that when the Rebellion began and at this tyme diuers persons within the Citty Dublin, and else, wheare which the Rebellion and theise misserable tymes haue disabled to make sattisfaccion as he conceiueth weare and are indebted vnto the said Richard Warburton the somme of seauen hundred fiftie seauen pownds thirteene shillings & fowre pence more. And further sayth that the said Richard Warburton since the begininge of the said Insurreccion hath beene, and is by the Rebells (and by reason of this Rebellion) within the Countie Dublin whose names he knoweth not, depriued, robd or otherwise, dispoyled or prejudict of his goods and Chattles in kishork (with arrerages of rent) Consistinge of Beasts, Cattle, howse hold stuff and other Goods And vnto the somme of one hundred pownds. And that the said Richard Warburton by meanes of the said Rebellion is depriued and dispoyled To his further loss in the lyinge wast and damage by his howses
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and shop, and by reason of the giuinge ouer and losse of the bennifitt of his Tradinge and by his estate and meanes lyinge out of his hands, with Transportinge his wife and Children into England the somme of Six hundred pownds more. In all Amountinge vnto the somme of Seauen Thowsand fiue hundred and sixty pounds sterlinge, or thereabouts. And this deponant further sayth that at the tyme of the begininge of this Rebellion, and at this instant tyme, sundry persons within the said kingdome of Ireland, whoe are eyther in Rebellion, or depriued of theyre estates by this Insurreccion are and stand Indebted vnto him this deponant seuerall somms of money, Amountinge to the somme of one hundred thirty one pounds fiue shillings and Ten pence sterling and that by meanes of this Rebellion he hath lost his present Imployment and bennifitt of his Tradinge by which, and for want of his money he is likely to be dampnified one hundred pounds more at Least, Soe as his owne propper losses by meanes of this Rebellion Amounteth vnto the somme of 231 li. 5 s. 10 d. sterling
Per me John Lewys
Jurat: Apr: 29o 1642
Hen: Brereton
Roger Puttocke