Deposition of Henry Mawdesley

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:22 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-04-22
Identifier: 810167r218a


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Dublin
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Robbery
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, Roger Puttock
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 167r

Henry Mawdesley Late of the Newton in the parish of Ballskaddan in the Countie of Dublin gent beinge dulie sworne & examined saieth that on & since the nowe rebellion began within this kingdome of Ireland vizt betweene the first daie of December and the third daie of March nowe Last past he this deponent at his seuerall howses and farmes of Newtowne and ffookeston in the said Countie of Dublin was robbed expelled and deprived by the rebells of his goods and chatles and of the seuerall valewes herein & hereafter expressed vizt of corne and haye in his hagard worth a hundreth threescore and seaventine pownds of Cowes, horses, Mares, sheepe, and hoggs worth a hundreth twenty and one pownds fiftine shillings Of howsehowld stuffe and winter provision worth a hundreth & three pownds fowertine shillings And this examinet further deposeth that since the begining for this of this present Rebellion yeare 1641 he hath bine defeated and depriued of the benefite of his Office of Clarck of the peace in the Counties of Dublin and Lowth worth a hundreth pownds per annum he haueinge made soe much of the same in former yeares and is like to be defeated and expelled of and from and depriued of the proffits of his said Office vntill the said Kingedome be setled in peace and quietnes And alsoe by meanes of the said rebellion he is depriued of and hath Lost diuers debts & rents owinge vnto him amountinge vnto Two hundreth thirty threescore and twelue pownds viij s. vj d. at the Least And he further deposeth that by reason of the rebellion aforesaid he is depriued stripped and expelled of & from the benefitt of his buildings encloseing and other his emprovements made on his said seuerall farmes and of great fines paide for the same and of the proffits of the leases thereof: beinge for many yeares to come amountinge to the sume of a hundreth fowerscore and seaventine pownds or more And he further deposeth that he is likewise expelled & disposessed of twenty and three akers at the least of winter corne nowe in grownd which accordinge to the vsuall price of the like corne maye be worth at the tyme of its reapeinge a hundreth & fiftine pownds at the least which he is not likely to haue any benefitt of Soe that the whole losse and damage soe by him this examinant

fol. 167v

already sustained by the said rebells and by the meanes of this present in rebellion amounteth to the summe of a Thowsand fowerscore & six pownds seaventine shillings and six pence sterling at the least as this examinat is verely perswaded in his concience but his future Losse which is very like to be great he can give noe estimate of the same, But for the names of such persons rebells as soe robed and dispoiled him this deponent he of his owne knowledge cannot name them but for the certanety thereof he referreth the same to the examinacions of Patrick Kelly and Katherin Magee at this tyme alsoe taken before his Maiesties Comissioners
Hen: Mawdesley
Jurat: 22 April 1642
Roger Puttocke
Hen: Brereton


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fol. 167av

109 Dublin o
Mr Henry Mawdesley & Katherin Magee
Jur xxijo Apr 1642
hand Intw
104 +


Deponent Fullname: Henry Mawdesley
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Dublin
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Katherin Magee
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned