Examination of James Brenan
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=812303r244] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:17 PM
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fol. 302r
The Examination of James Brenan of Aghamohil aged 33 yeares or therabouts taken the 4th of September 1652
<A> Being demaunded where he liued in the begining of the Rebellion he saith that he liued with Mr fforstall al Kilmanihin and that he went to Idough the Christmas after the the Rebellion begunn and being demaunded whow longe he staid there, saith that he remained there for two daies and then retorned back & being further demaunded vnder whose comaund he was then he saith that he was vnder noe Comaund
And being demaunded who was at the siege of Castlecomer he saith that his Master Patricke fforstall who was then a Captain was there, and John Brenan and that he himselfe who went there one time together with his sister with some beere to be sould at the said siege, and being demaunded who murthered & plundered the English there he saith that he knoweth not, but that they were plundered by the Brinns & Kauanaghs & further saith not
James [mark] Brenan
his marke
Taken before vs the day aboue written
D: Axtell
[Tho:] Wheeler
Tho: Euans
[Accrud] over the leaffe
fol. 303v
[The endorsement for this examination is on
fol. 304v