Examination of Elizabeth Reading
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fol. 307v
The Examination of Elizabeth Reading age of Kilkenny aged 23 yeares or thereabouts taken vpon oath the 14th of September 1652
<A> Being demaunded whether she knewe of any of the English that were murthered in Idough in the begining of the Rebellion she saith that she was present when James Brenan now in prison and James mc Donnell now liuing at Ratcallie was murthered Lewes Dauis a welsman and that it is he that is in prison that gaue him the first blowe, and further they soe murthered him they threwe him into a ditch, and putt the earth ouer him, and further saith that she sawe Thomas Euers and his sonns at the plundereing of William Matthews his goods and alsoe was at the plundereing of this Examinantes father and tooke away from him about 100 sheepe and the Examinante desired one of the said him to giue her one of the said sheepe, which he refused, and further saith not
Elizabeth [mark] Reading
her marke
Taken before vs the
24th of September 1652
Tho: Euans
William Heydon
[The endorsement for this examination is on
fol. 308v