Examination of Francis Swift
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fol. 309r
The Examination of ffrancis Swift aged 24 yeares or thereabouts
taken vpon oath the 14th of September 1652
Being demaunded who murthered or plundered the English of their goods in the begining of the Rebellion in Idough, he saith that William Matthewes was then plundered and that he sawe one of his Cowes in the possession of Edmond Oge o Brenan of Cruitt <A> deceased, and heard that one of the said Matthewes horses was in the possession of Edmond mc Syrah of Cruite, and being further demaunded whether he heard of any murther that were comitted in Idough and by whom he saith that William Streaten, and Lewes Dauis were there murthered and heard that the said William Streaton was murthered by Laughlin mc Teig o Brenan of Clonine and John Duffe then a seruant to the said Streaten, and further the <B> further saith that he heard that the said Lewes Dauis was murthered by James mc William o Brenan of Castlecomer in and James mc Donnell o Brenan of Ratcallie and further saith that he heard that one Thomas Euers of Cloghmolie and his sonnes were at plundereing of the said William Matthewes, and being demaunded whether he knewe of any English that were hanged at Castlecomer he saith that there were fiue hang Englishmen hanged by the Sects of the Brenan in near Castlecomer his Cause of his knowledge is that he was then present and was a prisoner with the said Rebells
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and further saith o nthat one Thomas Euers and both his <B> sonns now liuing at Cloghmalie were at the plundering of the Examinates father, and f that Thomas Butler of Cooleline tooke away three and twentie cowes of his said fathers goods, and further saith that Barnaby Dempsie had in keeping in his bawne some of this Examinates fathers Cattle, that were plundered & taken away by his the said Barnabies tennants, and brought to him, and that one Mortagh mc Dermott o Brenan of Cruitt had foure more of the said Examinates fathers Cowes, and further <C> saith that he this Examinate and his said father goeing to Ballynikill with two horse loades of goods were taken and stript by one Owen mc Donogh o Brenan now liuing at Ratchally, and carried away the said goods & brought them to prison and further saith no and two further saith that were two of his said fathers Cowes plundered by Edmond Comerford & Edward Comerford his sonn and that the said Edward is now liuing at Cloghmantoe & that the said Edmond is dead. & further saith not.
ffra Swift
Taken before vs the
14th of September 1652
Tho: Euans
William Heydon
fol. 310r
fol. 310v
The Examination of ffranis
Swift touching the English
that were murthered and
plundered in the begining of
the Rebellion