Examination of William Matthews
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fol. 312r
<symbol> William Matthewes being duely Examined vpon oath aged 54 yeares or thereabouts taken the 6th of September 1652.
The said Examinante saith that he liued a Cruitt in Idough <A> in the begining of the Rebellion and saythe that the Butlers and the Brenans were then all in armes of Idough were then all in armes, namely Thomas Butler of Clonelin a Captain of the Rebells and heard of Richard Butler the said Thomas his brother was then in armes, Teig mc Edmond of Loan Mortagh mc Dermott and James and Daniell his sonns liuing at Athantibbott, Danniell mc Shan o Brenan of Cruitt, James mc William o Brenan of Cruitt John o Gilpatricke Brenan, Edmond ffanning James mc Donnell of Brenan of Cruitt and that these and diuers others of the Brenans & Butlers plundered and stripped the English at Castlecomer of all their goods and saith that one Straton an Englishman was murthered by Richard Butlers ploughman named Tieg Skier and further saith not.
William [mark] Matthews
his marke
Taken before vs the day
aboue written
D: Axtell
Tho: Euans
fol. 312v
[The endorsemnet for this examination is on
fol. 313v