Examination of Donogh o Brenan
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=812316r257] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:16 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 316r
The Examination of Donogh o Brenan of Kiltowne aged 30 yeares or thereabouts taken the 4th of September 1652
The said Examinante being duely examined saith that he liued at Cruitt in the begining of the Rebellion and being demaunded vnder whose Comaund he was when the Rebellion begunn or whether he bore armes he saith that he was not vnder any Comaund nor neuer bore armes, and being demaunded whether he was at the siege of BallCastlecomer saith that he came there after some Cowes that were taken away from him but and knoweth of none that was there and being further demaunded who stormed the Church saith that he knoweth not, and being asked who plundered the English he saith that they were plundered by the Brinns <A> and Keuanaghes but doth know their perticuler names & being demaunded whether he heard or knew of any English protestants that were murthered at Castlecomer, saith that he knoweth not heard of none & further saith not.
Donogh [mark] Brenan
his marke
Taken before vs the
day aboue written
D Axtell
Oli: Wheeler
Tho: Euans
fol. 316v
[The endorsement for this examination appears on
fol. 317v