Examination of John Brenan
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=812317r258] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:16 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 317r
The Examination of John Brenan of Kiltown{e} aged 30 yeares or thereabouts taken before vs the 4th of September 1652
Being demaunded where he liued in the begining of the Rebellion he saith that he liued at Cruitt with one ffrancis Cottle and being demaund vnder kn whose Comaund was he in the begining of the Rebellion or whether he bore armes, saith that he did not was not, nore bore armes then nor since, and being demaunded whether he was at Castlecomer during the siege saith that he was not, but not only passed the hey way neere Castlecomer leading to Kilkenny, and sawe none in the way but some people of the Armie of the Countie of Carloe. and that he knowes heard of none to be at the said siege but those out of the Countie of Carloe and the Keuanaghs and that he sawe none of the Brenans there & being demaunded who stormed the Church of Castlecomer he sayes he knoweth not and being further demaunded who murthered the English there, he sayes he knoweth not, being further demaunded who was at the said siege he saith that he knoweth not, being further demaunded whether he knewe Lewes Dauis who was murthered between Castlecomer & Ballynikill he saith that he heard that he was murthered there but by whom he knoweth not, and further saith that he knewe Mr Parkinson h [ ] e saith that he was a seruant vnto him, and further saith not
John [mark] Brenan
his marke
Taken before vs the day
and yeare aboue written
Tho: Euans D Axtell
Oli: Wheeler
fol. 317v
The Examination of
Donogh o Brenan and John
Brenan touching the siege
of Castlecomer and the English
that were murthered & plundered
knowes nothing
denyes all