Deposition of Robert Woodward
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:22 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 195r
Robert Woodward of Dublin gentleman sworne and examined sayth That since the begining of the present Rebellion & by meanes thereof this deponente hath had his howse and owthowses at donnybrooke: pulled downe & the timber thereof carryed away by the Rebells and souldjers to his damage of 40 li. And this deponent hath since hadd thirtie of his Milch Cowes stollen out of a bawne att Colledge greene & five horses all which were worth one hundreth powndes Soe that his whole Losse by meanes of the Rebellion <Mr Adams> cometh vnto the sume of one hundreth & fforty pounds ster
Jur viijo Nov: 1642
Joh Watson
Randall Adams
Cert fact
fol. 195v
Robert Woodward
Jur viijo Nov: 1642
Cert factLeitrim
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