Examination of Terence Doyn
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fol. 107r
<symbol> The examination off Terence Doyn off Killevan esquire
The said examinatt being sworne vpon the holy Evangelist saith that about 3 yeares and halfe agoe, th after Kilkeny about the tyme that Kilkeny was taken the Earle of Castlehaven <A> came to this examinats howse accompanied with Collonell Lewis Moore where they stayed two nights, and the day they rested in his howse as they went to supper one George Barnwell came into the roome where my lord and Collonell Moore were, and my lord demaunded of him the said George where he was and what newes he heard vnto which he made answer that he came th from the forte of Leix, and that there was a foule murther committed comitted that day vpon one Leiutenant Abraham Walker, and one Leiutenant Troy, and furth further tould my lord that as he was coming from Mar the forte he did see the said Walker & Troy buried in the ridge neere the towne. And my lord being very inquisitive of the said George whether he hard of any that should haue an hand in the said murther he made answere that he could not learne of any of their names, And this examinat further saith that he hard that the Lord Marques of Ormond sent a letter to the said Lew Collonell Moore desireing his speciall care to find out & apprehend the Murtherers
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And saith that he hath never seene the said letter, but did heare by a comon reporte that such a letter was sent. And further saith nothing
Ter Doyne
Hen Owen
John Whitney
fol. 108r
fol. 108v
Examinacion of Teirence Doyne
taken by Comission directed
to Major Owen & Capt Whitnye
Colonell Lewis Moore &