Examination of George FitzGarrald
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fol. 118r
the Examination of George ffitz Garrald sworne in open Court saieth
Ambrose Connor one of the Connors robbed Mr Parker & Mary buck was left behind by the said Parker to discouer who the Robbers were they endeavoured <A> seuerall times to kill the said mayd, which made this Examinant to carry her to an English Garrison but would not be received into the garrison because shee had beene a longe time with the Rebells, therevpon shee came and lived with the Examinant, and the examinant beinge from home when he came hard that the mayd was taken away by the Irish and that the Prisoner was one and a cheife actor in [ doinge ] taking her and that shee was then presently after killed & hanged the said Maid.
fol. 118v
The Examinacion of
George ffitz Garrald