Examination of Hugh Conway
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fol. 124r
The examinacion of Hugh Conway of comonly called by the Irish Hugh mc Davy and Hugh Connor [ ] of Athy gent taken the xvijth day of September 1652 before Thomas Dongan Esquire and William Basil Esquire Attorney generall for the Comon Wealth Justices of the peace within the Province of Leynster except the Counties of Kilkenny and Wexford
<A> Whoe being duely examined sayth that he came to Dublin at the begining of the rebellion, where being promised a Lievtenants place in the Lo: Lambards Regiment, he was put of, and that about Throvstyd after, he went from Dublin into the Queenes County vnto the Lord of Clanmalyra, whoe gave him the comaund of the Castle of Derry brock, which is about fower miles distant from Athy, and had there a guard of 40 or 50 men armed vnder his comaund to keepe the sayd Castle as a garrison for the Irish party He sayth he knew John Taylor and that John Taylor, knew him this examinant, And that about the next Harvest after this examinant together with Barnaby and Murtagh Conway, two of this examinants brothers with others, being in all about 4 or 5 about the next Harvest after horse vnder this examinants commaund, and about 40 or 50 foot whoe followed him vnder the commaund of Capten Christofer Barron, and that they, mett with the sayd Taylor, about a mile from Athy, in a field neere vnto a wynd Mill, together with some of Sir Adam Loftus his Trope grasing their horses, But doth not remember what designe they then went vpon, but this examinant beleeveth it was to gett corn, And this examinant sayth that the sayd Taylor was then kild by some of his, this examinants sayd partie, he this examinant being then present, But doth not remember by whom the sayd Taylor was then kild, nor what wounds were then given vnto him, And this examinant further sayth not
The marke of [mark] Hugh
Gerrard: Lowther
Tho: Dongan
William Basil
fol. 124v
fol. 125r
fol. 125v
The examinacion of
Hugh Conway commonly
called by the Irish Hugh
mc Davy concerning the
murder of John Taylor