Examination of John Brimingham
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=813138r106] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:59 PM
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fol. 138r
The examinacion of John Brimingham of Carreskar in the County of Kildare Gentleman taken before vs this sixtenth daye of ffebruary 1652 about the murder of Raphell Howard of Clonnuff in the County of Kildare labourer.
This Examinant beinge chardged with the murder of the said Raphell Howard, that he about fower monthes after the begininge of the Rebellion livinge att Carreskar <A> aforesaid did procure Pole mc Gille Pole, Derby Keyes, and Brian mc Shane Lee to goe to Clannuff aforesaid, & to robb the said Raphell of his Goods & to murder the said Raphell his wife & twoe Children To this the Examinant sayeth that he knoweth that the said Raph Howard was about that tyme murthered att Clonnuff by the said Pole mc Gille Pole Derby Keyes Brian mc Shan Lee and John Match and sayeth these that these men went with Colonell Lewys Moore of Ballinna his men Souldiers but what command the said Lewys had over them he knoweth not, neither doth he knowe where any of them liveth, but sayeth that he hard that Shane Brian mc Shane Lee is gon a souldior to Spaine. & that he lived before the warrs att Clunnach in <B> the Barrony of Carberre in the County of Kildare. The Examinant beinge Chardged with the receit of the goods of the said Raph Howard, and that twoe of his Cowes were taken by him, He vtterly denieth that ever he had any Cowes of the said Raph or any other of his goods. Neither doth he know or heard of any that had thereof except the said Pole Derby, Brian & John Match aboue named: And further he sayeth not.
John Bermingham
fol. 138v
fol. 139r
fol. 139v
John Brimingham of
Carrescar examinacion
about the murther of
Howard of Clonnuff
from the Committee for
Kildare & Lowth