Examination of Samuell Emott

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=813140r107] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:03 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-11-18
Identifier: 813140r107


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Kildare
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Captivity, Death, Killing, Robbery, Words
Commissioners: Daniel Hutchinson
Deposition Transcription:

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mr Samuell Emotts
18o no. 1652

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Dublin 18o no. 1652.
Mr Thomas Lalor.

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Thexmynation of Samuell Emott some tyme of Walters towne in the County of Killdare, now of the Cittie of Dublin, Taken before me Daniell Huchinson Esquire mayor of the Cittie of Dublin, this 18o no: 1652.
<A> the sayd examinant beeinge duly sworne & examyned sayth, That in the Month of november 1641. one Edward fizGearald of Ballynebarney in the County of Kildare aforsaid (now a prissoner in th{e} marshallsiye Dublin Came neer to the house of Tobyas Emott (this examinants fathers then dwellinge at Walters towne afforesayd, & the said Edward had a fowleing Peice on his shoulder & in his Company was 3 or 4 men more with lesser peices, and thear was alsoe with them severall others of the servants & tenants of the sayd Edward (to the number of about ten in all, and the sayd Edward (with the Rest came neer to assaulted the house of the said Tobyas Emott, the Cause of this examinants knowledg is that hee this examinant the same Instant Came (Rydeinge) on from about the barow syde towards his said fathers house & as this examinant was soe Cominge hee se did see the afforsayd <B> Edward & the Rest dryveinge away certaine Cowes that weare this examinants fathers from before the doore of the house of his said father. and this examinant sayth that about a month or 5 weeks after [ ] the said this examinant with his father & with severall others, in all about Twenty or more men weom & Children, weare in his fathers house in Walters towne

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Walters towne aforesayd & the sayd Edward fiz Gearald then Came & did <C> bringe with him his brother in lawe Hugh mc Davie of the Grage one John Browne servant to the said Edw: & with them aboute one hundred men more with pykes skeanes & other Armes, and did asault the said house stryveinge to brake in and after about 3 howers tyme the said Edward fiz Gearald hange promysed & sworne that noe blood should bee spilt, nor any person token prisoner, that was in the house, this examinant, his father & the Rest (beeinge <D> not able longer to defend the house) did open the doores,
and Contrary to the said promisses & swearinge, the sayd Edward Commaunded or bade those that weare with him to Take this examinant his father, & his sister

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and to bringe away prisoners, & thay did Rob the sayd house of all the best of the Goods & tooke such <E> moneys as was to bee theare fownd away with the Goods & as thay weare Caryinge or dryvinge this examinant & his father & sister prisoners, through walters towne, a partie of the Dempsyes mett the said Edw: fizGarald & the Rest & seemed to tax them for takinge such Goods as weare in these quarters the dempsyes pretendinge that the Goods of this examinants said father did belong to them and the partie of the Dempsyes tooke this examinant & the Rest of the prisoners out of the possesyon of the said Edw. & the partie that weare with him <ff> and then this examinant & his father, & his mother (who as this examinant Remembers came after his father) with his sister aforesayd & this examinants wyfe, & about one Chyld of this examinants & 3 children of his sisters, & 2 or 3 servants weare all left as prissoners in the Castle in Walters towne, whear they did

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did Continue till about the first day of January next then followinge, and one Elis fiz Gearald widow who then then kept <G> the said Castle, did often bid this examinant & the Rest that weare brought prissoners, to pr shift for themselues (the Countye then beeinge all in armes in Rebellyon many Greevyous murders beeinge dayly (there) comitted, as this examinant was from tyme to tyme tould) whear vppon this examinant & his sayd father sister and mother, went to the Castle of Dondeney (about a myle from Walters towne) and did desyer <H> one Oliuer fiz Gearald (who dwelt theare) to lett them haue sucor or shelter with him. & hee Gaue way for them to Come In, & Edw: fiz Garald affore named, Came thether presently within

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(within less then an hower after, on the <I> same day. & the said Edw: brought with him about 4 or 5 men more (that weare his servants) And, with peices & other Armes and this examinant was in the bawen of Duneeny Castle (a little after) & theare hee heard {the} sayd Edw: fiz Gearald speake to som{e} that weare as souldiers about the Killing of this examinants father, & hee (this examinant) did heer them promisse (to the said Edward) that thay would kill or hang him, hee should not need to ster further, thay would bee suer to doe it, & thay bade him Goe home <K> & this examinant further deposeth & sayth, that hee heard the sayd Edw say that hee Came ther (to Deneney) to kill [ ] Tobyas Emott, & that hee would Eyther kill or [ ] shoot him whearvpon the said souldiers vndertooke to doe it as afforesaid, and then Imedyatly the said Edward departed to his house at ballynebarney, and then presently the said oliuer, C om denyed Refused to suffer this examinants father mother

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mother or sister, to stay any longer in the said Castle of Duneeney, & <L> the sayd Oliuer Suffered the souldiers to Come in to the Roome, & thay tooke away with them, this examinants father mother & sister, & thay sayd thay would hang him on an ash tree that was neer that place, whearvpon this examinant desyered the said ollyver to procure the souldiers to forbeare that Crueltye, & to bee pleased to Convoy them back to Walters towne from wear he whence thay Came, & hee the said oliuer, went to the souldiers <M> & towld them thay should not hang him on his Land, & that was all the curtissie that the said oliuer would then showe and then Imedyatly the souldirs Lead

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(the number 144 has accidentally been omitted)
lead away this examinant his father mother & sister, neer the house of the said Edward, & some of the said Edwards <N> servants then Came out, & they and the souldiers fell on this examinants father & theare thay wounded him in severall places & left him as dead, & tooke & bound this examinant to a post in a house at ballynebarney, & this examinant Gott lose & went out to see if his father was aliue, & fownd him bleedinge soe, & this examinant tooke him on his back & was Caryinge him towards walters towne, and this examinant further sayth that those <O> that soe wounded his father went to ask the afforesayd Edw: what thay should doe with this examinant & the Rest (as thay tould him, after the woundinge & leauinge for dead his said father as afforesayd) And as thay Came back <thay> pursued this examinant as hee was caryinge his father, & this examinant was towld that the said Edw. fiz Garald and

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and Collonell Hen: Dempsye had Giuen order to kill them all, whear vpon this examinant ffled & escaped to <P> Walters towne, & theare Continued vntill neer may next that Sir Cha: Coote Came that may & further sayth not, that his sayd father langwished 2 days after & soe dyed. and this examinant mother & sister was att the same tyme sore wownded, & his mother dyed about may the first day of may then following, & did never Recour of those wounds & beatinges that shee then (before) <Q> had Receiued.
& this examinant further deposeth & sayth that the said oliuer fiz Gearald was accustomed to bee indebted to this examinants father, & this examinant did (& doth) veryly think that the said oliuer was at that tyme in his debt, and that by Reason thearof hee

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hee the sayd olyver was soe cruell to torne him out of his Castle & to suffer those souldiers <R> (as thay Caled them) soe to murder his sayd father.
and this examinant further sayth that at the tyme that his sayd father was murthered, Thear was present in the Company with the souldiers & the Rest, severall preists & fryers and one that was Caled vickar Generall <S> & the sayd vickar Generall, as this examinant doth beleiue was Consentinge vnto, or did Giue dyreccions for the doeinge of the said murder, & further sayth not.
Samuel Emet
with this examynation
was taken by
Dl. Huchinson.
mayor Dublin.

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The 18th day of November 1652
Then Samuell Emott the within examinant did Acknowledge himselfe to be endebted vnto the Keepers of the Liberty of the Comonwealth of England in fforty pounds sterling With Condicion to apere the first day of the nexte Sessions to be houlden for the County of Kylldare, and then & there to prosecute the within named Edward ffitzgerrald, &c
taken before me the
day and yeare

Deponent Fullname: Samuell Emott
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Kildare
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Edward fizGearald, Hugh mc Davie, John Browne, Oliuer fiz Gearald, Hen: Dempsye, Tobyas Emott, Elis fiz Gearald
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Confederate