Deposition of James Wallis
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:34 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 306r
James Wallis late of woodhouse in the parish of Stradbally barony Decies and within the County of Waterford Esquire (a brittish protestant) duely examined and sworne vpon oath before vs by vertue of his Maiesties Comission vnder the broade seale of this Kingdome to vs and others directed (beareing date &c) concerneing the losses robberies and spoiles since this rebellion comitted vpon the brittish and protest a nts within the Province of Munster &c deposeth and saith That vpon the 20th of december 1641 or theraboutes and diuers times since he lost, was robbed forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chatles to the seuerall values followeing vzt value of 3913 li. Part consisting of debts owing byOf cowes, steeres, yeerlinges, oxen, horses, mares, coults sheepe and swine, to the value of one Thousand one hundred thirty fourty and seaven teene pounds Of houshould stuff to the value of Two hundred pounds Of corne in the haggard and house vpon seuerall farmes in the said County; to the value of fiue hundred and Twenty pounds Of hay & fuell for fireing to the value of foure score and Ten pounds of Implements of housh husbandry to the value of fiftie twenty pounds The deponent further saith that he was expelled & driuen away from his said farme of Woodhouse & the farme of Clonea in the said County, where he left of corne in ground nowe lost, to the value of one hundred and fiftie pounds The deponent likewise deposeth that by meanes of this presente rebellion in Ireland he was dispossessed of the seuerall farmes followeing namely: Of the Towne and lands of Woodhouse & Stradbally beg in the said County wherin he hath a lease of three score yeeres yett to come (he or his wife l i ueing soe longe) haueing buylt thervpon, a greate stone house with barnes, stables Kitchins and many other out houses together alsoe with gardens orchards salmon weares, ditching & other Improuemnets which lease before this rebellion was woorth to be bought & sould one thousand pounds and soe much this examinat c onceaues himself damnified by looseing the benefit of the said lease Of the Towne and lands of Tockera in the said County wherin he hath a lease of six and thirtie yeeres to come woorth Coibus annis aboue the landlords rent fortie pounds per {annu}m, his interest in this lease he saith is woorth foure hundred
fol. 306v
1308pounds He saith that he was dispossessed of the lands of Clonea aforesaid, wherin he hath a lease of ten yeeres yet to come, woorth Coibus annis foure and thirtie pounds per annum, ouer and aboue the landlords rent haueing repaired the Castle there, and likewise buylt a S late house wo r th other out houses vpon the same in which lease he conceaues himself damnified Two hundred pounds Of debts which he accounted good e debts before the begining of this rebellion amounting to the sume of one hundred foure score and six pounds due from Donnell <symbol> o Tohell of Woodhouse in the said County miller, William lambard of Garrantotane in the said County gentleman Phillipp <B> fitz Gerrald of KnockdrumIlea in the said County gentleman William o Herne of Carrigerry in the said County gentleman and diuers others But in regards the said parties are now in open and actuall rebellion Therefore this examinat is not likely to get any satisfaction from them The totall of his losses amounts to three thousand nyne hundred thirteene pounds The deponent lastly deposeth That aboute the time aboue menconed besides the losse of the benefit of the messengers place in the Courte of Wards which he had by lettres patent from his Maiesties woorth Coibus annis one hundred and fiftie pounds per annum which he canot value but leaues the same to future consideration This examinat lastly saith that he was robbed of his said goods, corne, and Catle (as he is credibly informed being himselfe in the Castle of Dungarvan for his safety) by Richard Power son and heire to the lord Power, Morris Power fitz Dauid & Edmond Power fitz Dauid both of Curraghmore in the said County gentleman Sir Nicholas Welsh of Ballykeroge in the said County Knight John fitz Gerrald of Kilmenene in the said County gentleman & James fitz Gerrald his brother gentleman & further he deposeth not
Jam: Wallis
Jurat coram nobis 7o July 1643
Phil: Bisse Hen: Rugge
fol. 307r
fol. 307v
The examination of
James Wallis