Examination of Garratt FitzGerrald

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=813154r113] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:39 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1654-02-09
Identifier: 813154r113


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Kildare
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Death, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Words
Commissioners: Thomas Dongan, Thomas Herbert
Deposition Transcription:

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The further examjnacion of Garratt ffitz=Gerrald of ffecullen in the County of Killdare Gent aged thirty eight yeares or thereabouts taken the ninth day of ffebr 1653 before vs Thomas Dongan esquire and Collonell Thomas Herbert Members of the high Court of Justice appointed for takeing examjnacions concerning murthers and massacres &c
<A> Who beeing duely sworne and examjned deposeth and saith that haueing perused his former examjnacion taken the xixth of January 1652 hee affirmeth the same to bee true The examjnant further saith that on the last of Aprill 1642 (beeing the day that Castlecarbery in the County of Killdare was taken by the Rebells mencioned in the examjnants former examjnacion, vppon quarter giuen to the Lady Cooley and her children and seruants then in the said Castle) the examjnant was then present in the said Castle, and the next morning, after the takeing of the said Castle, the examjnant did then and there (amongst the said Rebells) see one George Walsh one of the said Rebells now prisoner in Dublin, who was very actiue in the said house pillageing and plundering the goodes in the said Castle, Hee saith that the said George Walsh was called Lievtenant by the said Rebells, and the examjnant heard that hee the said George Walsh was then Lievtenant to the said <B> Lewis Moore, The examjnant further saith that that day that the said George Walsh was to and fro in the said Castle as aforesaid there were murthered in the said Castle by the said Rebells (after quarter giuen) John Magwyre, Darby Delany and William Dunn, then seruants to the said Lady Cooley, The examjnant further saith that on the day aforesaid hee was tould by Mr Dudly Cooley then in the said Castle, and by Redmond Pettitt, & Anstace Dunn since deceased, and by Mary Daniell

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Daniell sister vnto Mr Godfrey Daniell, that William <C> Cooke one of the said Rebells now allsoe prisoner in Dublin was to and fro, in the said Castle when the said John Magwyre, Darby Delany and William Dun were murthered as aforesaid, The examjnant saith that Mrs Sulliard and Mrs Jephson were then in the said Castle and as the examjnant conceiues they did then see the said George Walsh and William Cooke in the said Castle with the said Rebells And the examjnant further recollecting himselfe saith that Gerrald ffitz=Gerrald mencioned in the examjnants former examjnacion was called Gerrald ffitz=Gerrald of Brownestowne in the County of Killdare who was since executed at Naas, The examjnant further saith that at the tyme when the examjnant treated with Lewis Moore concerning the surrender of Castlecarbery the said Lewis Moore did offer quarter to the Lady Cooley her children and family and all other persons who were in the said Castle for theire liues and weareing apparell which quarter the said Lady would not accept vnlesse shee could haue all the goodes in the said Castle, comprehended within the said quarter, The examjnant further saith that after the said treaty with Lewis Moore the said Lewis went from Castlecarbery and the said Capten Garrald ffitz=Gerrald then comanded the party that beseiged the said Castle, and that after shotts made on both sides and a breach made by the Rebells the said Dudly Cooly and the examjnant called from off the topp of the Castle for

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for the said Lewis Moore supposeing him to haue beene there, but hee not beeing there the said <D> Capten ffitz=Gerrald answeared and said, that hee had power to giue quarter and would make good the quarter hee would giue, which hee confirmed with an oath wherevppon hee gaue quarter to the said Lady her children and family and all other persons in the said Castle for theire liues and weareing apparell and to goe whither they pleased, which quarter beeing accepted the said Capten ffitz=Gerrald and his partie were admitted into the said Castle, Hee further saith that the next day after the said Rebells comeing in to the said Castle as aforesaid the said Rebells did murther the said Darby Delany and John Magwyre which the examjnant perceaueing spoke to the said Capten ffitz=Gerrald then in the said Castle to performe his quarter and not to murther any of the persons in the Castle as they had allready done Darby Delany and John Magwyre wherevppon the said Capten ffitz=Gerrald answeared what doe you talke of quarter your quarter is broken and heere I haue orders from Lewis Moore (shewing to the examjnant a paper then in his hands) to kill all the seruiceable men in the Castle and to take the Lady Cooley and her children prisoners, and presently after the said William Dun was allsoe murthered, And [ ] then the examjnant made an escape, And further saith not,
Garatt fitz Gerrald
Taken and sworne before
vs the day and yeare aforesaid,
Tho: Dongan
Tho Herbert

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The further examjnacion
of Garrald ffitz=Gerrald
Lewis Moore
George Walsh
William Cooke for the
murther at Castlecarbery

this was read vpon the Tryall of
George Walsh & William Cooke

Deponent Fullname: Garratt ffitz=Gerrald
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Kildare
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Lady Cooley, John Magwyre, Darby Delany, William Dun, George Walsh, Lewis Moore, William Cooke, Garrald ffitz=Gerrald, Dudly Cooley, Redmond Pettitt, Austace Dunn, Mary Daniell, Mrs Sulliard, Mrs Jephson, Godfrey Daniell
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Mentioned