Examination of Edward Fitzgerrald
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fol. 156r
The examinacion of Edward ffitzgerrald late of Pollestowne in the County of Killdare taken before Daniell Huchinson & Rich: Tigh Esquires the 25o January 1652:
Whoe beinge duely Examined saith That about the Moneth of December In the yeare 1641, beinge in the beginninge of the rebellion, this examinant together with seuerall others Came vnto the doore of the Dwellinge howse of one Tobye Emott of Wallterstowne in the County of Kylldare, And theare this examinant did see severall persons about halfe a doz ne in n umber about the doore of the sayd house but who (or what) they weare this examinant sayth that he knows not, & this examinant saythe that hee spoke vnto them & tould them that hay did Evill in molestinge the people of the house, & saith that the people that
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weare within the house did open the doore, and the sayd tobyas Emott did Goe to an Alehouse with some of the <C> men that weare at his doore, & theare stayd drinkinge & takinge tobbaccoe for an houre or two (with one of his sons) & afterwards the sayd Tobyas tooke his leaue & went back againe (as this examinant thinketh) to his house and this examinant sayth that about a month or Two afterwards this examinant went to Duneeney, to the house of one Oliuer fiz Gearald, on a sonday to heer mass, wheare hee this examinant did see the sayd Tobyas <D> Emott att mass amongst many others & that the same day the sayd Tobyas Emott was kild (as this examinant heard) by one Hugh mcgillbrydee & others on the land of walterstowne afforsayd: & further he sayth not.
Edw: fitz Gerald
taken by Danill Huchinson
Rd: Tighe
fol. 157r
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The examinacion
of Edward
ffitz gerrald
Taken the 25th
day: of January