Further examination of Dudly Cooley
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=813162r117] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:20 PM
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fol. 162r
The further examjnacion of Dudly Cooley of Castlecarbery in the County of Killdare esquire [ ] aged thirty yeares or thereabouts taken the xxiijth day of ffebr 1653.
Who beeing duely sworne and examjned deposeth and saith, That dureing about a fortnight after the tyme that the examjnant was taken prisoner with by Lewis Moore after the takeing of Castlecarbery, and the examjnant beeing in discourse with the said Lewis concerning the takeing of the said Castle and the murthering of the Lady Coolies seruants, in the said Lewis Moore declared and can to the examjnant that hee had giuen authority to Captain Gerrald ffitz=Gerrald [ ] (mencioned in the examjnants former examjnacion) to giue quarter to the examjnant and the rest in the said Castle, and did allow of the quarter giuen by the said ffitz-Gerrald, but then alleadged that the reason of the breach of the said <B> quarter was occasioned by those of the said Castle to whom the quarter was giuen, who had killed a man soldier of his as hee said, [ ] attempting the grate of the said Castle, which man soldier, the examjnant saith was killed before quarter was concluded or treated on or demaunded, The examjnant further saith that
fol. 162v
that George Walsh and William Cooke tooke two of the Rebells who beseiged the said Castle and who are now prisoners in Dublin, were (after quarter giuen) very very actiue in the said Castle in plun with theire swordes drawne ayding and assisting in the murthering of John Magwyre Darby delany whose sirname the examjnant l remembreth not and William Dun seruants to the said Lady Cooley And further saith not,
Dudly Colley
Taken and deposed before
vs the day & yeare aforesaid,
Dud: Loftus
Rd: Tighe
fol. 163r
fol. 163v
The further examjnacion
of Dudly Cooley
George Walsh
Wm Cooke &
Lewis Moore
this was read vpon the tryale
of George Walsh & William