Recognizance of Donogh Connor et al.
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 11:10 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 168r
2o December 1652
<Com killdare> Donogh Connor of Milerstowne in the County of killdare gent, Dudley Colley of Carbery in the said County Esquire, and michaell gayner of St wolstans in the said County gent, acknowledged (beefore mee Sir John hoey knight, one of the Justices of the peace for the Prouince of leinster) themselues [ ] to owe and to bee duely indebted vnto the keepers of the liberties of England by the Authority of the Parliament, the som of fiue hundred pounds st
(vizt) the said donogh Connor the som of 250-00-00
the said dudley Colley the som of ------------125-00-00
the said Michaell gayner the som of ---------125-00-00
to bee had and lewied of their goods and Chattles lands and tennements vpon Condition followinge.
The Condition of the aboue Recognisance is, that if the aboue bounden donogh Connor shall (within tenn dayes next after notice shall bee left att his house att Mylerstowne aforesaid) appeere (att the high Courte of Justice or the Sessions of goale deliuery, for the said County or beefore any other Judicature of which hee shall receiue the said notice soe to doe,) to answer what hee shall bee Chardged withall, for or Concerninge the murther of one Connogher Merginn, and shall not thence departe without speciall licence of the Courte there sittinge, then this Recognisance to bee voyd, otherwise to remaine in full force and strength in loco
acknowledged beefore mee the day and yeere aboue written
Jo: Hoey:
fol. 168v
The Examinacion of
Barnaby Kelly and
shane Leagh touching
the Murder of Connor
Mergin & Recog of