Examination of William Graham
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fol. 173r
The examjnacion of William Graham one of the Troope vnder the comand of Major William Meredith aged thirty seauen yeares or thereabouts taken the x 14th day of ffebr 1653
Whoe beeing duely sworne and examjned deposeth and saith That about two monthes sithence the examjnant beeing at Castlekeele in the County of Killdare and beeing [wen] there tould by in discourse with James Taran of Rathbride in the said County of Killdare Taylor, amongst other thinges the examjnant tould tould the [ ] the said James Taran that hee had heard of a barbarous murther comitted at Roseberry in about the said begining of Rebellion on <A> Joan Blood a seruant to the widdow welldon at Rosebery which murther the examjnant said was comitted by William Cartan, as hee heard and the examjnant asked the said James Taran what was become of the said William Cartan, who answeared that the said Cartan was dead, and further the said James Taran tould the examjnant that there was another man then liueing at Roseberry who was called William Harrold who had a hand in that murther as well as the said Cartan, and
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and the said James Taran further tould the examjnant that diuers of the Irish Rebells came to the said widdow welldons house or castle at Roseberry aforesaid and there made search for the said Joan Blood but could not finde her, and that there vppon the said William Harrold went to the topp of the said house or Castle and there found the said Joan <B> Blood hidd in a hole, and then tooke her by the hand out of the said hole and brought her downe stayres to the said Irish rebells who thereuppon together with the said William Harrold brought the said Joan Blood about a quarter of a mile from the said house or Castle, and then the said William Harrold called to the said Irish Rebells and said vnto them that that you were about to doe why doe you not doe it now, wherevppon the said William Cartan shott the said Joan Blood in the backe and killed her as the said James Taran tould the said examjnant, And further saith not,
William Graham
Taken and deposed
before vs the day
and yeare aforesaid,
Jo: Gay:
Thomas Dancer
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The examjnacion of
William Grahamof against
Willi{am} Harrold for the
murther of Joan
shewed to mr Att whoe
directs further Enquiry
to bee made