Examination of Walter Welldon
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=813175r126] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 11:24 AM
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fol. 175r
The examjnacion of Walter Welldon of Roseberry in the County of Killdare Gent aged twenty seauen yeares or thereabouts taken the ninth day of ffebr 1653 before vs
Who beeing duely sworne and examjned deposeth and saith, That about three two monthes since the examjnant was tould by Katherin Taylor widdow now liueing at ffinglas in the County of Dublin that soone after the begining of the Rebellion in Ireland, the said Katherin liueing in Rosberry in the County of Killdare, there came an English male=Child to the doore of the said Katherin <A> in Roseberry aforesaid and demaunded Almes at the doore, wherevppon one william Harrold of Roseberry aforesaid beeing then in the said Katherins house drinkeing and heareing the said Child begging in English and perceaueing it to bee an English Child by his language went out of the said house to the doore and there seeing the said Child said vnto him (you Roague are you sent by Mrs Welldon to spy I will spy you) and therevppon drew his skeane and
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and therewith runne the said Child into the breast and immediatly killed him and presently after as the said Katherin allsoe tould the examjnant the said William Harrold returned into the said house with his said skeane all bloody at the the sight whereof the said Katherin beeing then great with Child fell downe in a sound, The examjnant further saith that about three monthes since as aforesaid the Rowland Taylor late husband to the said Katherin allsoe tould the examjnant of the passages aforesaid but the said Rowland is since deceased, And further saith not,
Walter Weldon
Taken and deposed
before vs the day
and yeare aforesaid
Tho Herbert
Will: Arnoff
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The examjnacion of Walter
Weldon against
William Harrold of
Roseberry Co: Kildare
for the murther of a