Examination of Brian Farrall
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=813181r129] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:02 PM
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fol. 181r
The examjnacion of Brian ffarrall of Monstowne neere Rathbride in the County of Kildare aged threescore and ten yeares or thereabouts taken the xxjth day of ffebr 1653
Who beeing duely sworne and examjned deposeth and saith that at the begining of the Rebellion in Ireland and since the examjnant liued at Roseberry aforesaid only that sometymes for feare of the English and Irish Army hee would remoue with his cat tle for a short tyme to Allon in the said Co: of Kildare, Hee saith that (hee haueing beene out of the said towne with his cattle as aforesaid,) vppon his returne to Roseberry about the begining of the Rebellion <A> hee was tould by Margarett Trauers who then liued in that towne, that she there was a boy in killed in the said towne by one William Harrold mc John who was a soldier vnder one Capt don Oliuer Dongan a Capten of the Rebels, the examjnant saith that the reason wherefore the said boy was killed as the examjnant heard was because hee was a spy,
Brian [mark] ffarralls
Sworne before vs the day and
yeare aforesaid by the interpretacion
of George Russell vppon oath
William Gilbert
Will: Arnoff
fol. 181v
fol. 182r
fol. 182v
The examjnacion of Brian
William Harrold