Deposition of Alexander Elcock
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:38 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 312r
Alexander Elcock of the Citty of Dublin merchant sonn and heire of John Elcock late of Dromully in the County of Armagh gent sworne and examined deposeth and saith: That in or about the very begining of the present Rebellion in the County of Ardmagh the said John Elcock his father (whoe was then alive) was with five of his yonger children vizt 2 sonns and 3 daughters forceibly surprized and taken prisoners by the Complicees & souldiers of Sir Phelim รด Neile knight, And that those twoe sonns were quickly after murthered by the Rebells And this deponentes said father & three sisters aforesaid by greefe hunger and want alsoe perished and died And this deponentes said father, when he was soe surprized, & afterwardes was forceibly expelled & deprivd of his the possession rents and proffitts of his landes of Inheritance worth 63 li. per annum: whereby this deponent maketh account that he since his said fathers death hath lost or shall loose 4 yeres proffitts amounting to 252 li. ster, and this deponent is like to be deprived of and loose the future proffits thereof vntill a peace be established And the deponent was then depriued of & robbed of xj head of yong cattle worth at least x li.; And by meanes of this present Rebellion hath lost in due debts 47 li. And his said father was alsoe by the Rebells forceibly before his death robbed and deprived of his goodes & chattells Const Consisting of beastes cattle horses geldings Mares howshold goodes & other things of great value, the particulers [ ] or certenty whereof he cannott expresse but praieth he may add the same herevnto, when he shall come to the better knowledg or discouery of the same, And further saith that (as he hath credibly heard, & hath too great cawse to beleeve one Mr James Montgomery minister nere Carrickmagrosse and was hanged to death And that about 16 more of the deponentes nere & deere kinred of & within the County of Armagh aforesaid were drowned & putt to death but by what Rebells he cannott tell
<352 li.-00-
057 - 00 -
409 li.
63 li. per annum>
Allexander Elcocke
Jur 29o Maij 1645
Hen: Jones Hen: Brereton
fol. 312v
Alexander Elcock Jur
29 May 1645
Intw Cf