Deposition of George Hamond
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:17 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 315r
Corporall George Hamond of the Citty of Dublin sworne and examined deposeth and saith That since the begining of the present Rebellion and by meanes thereof hee hath bin and is deprived of and lost in due debtes as hee is thinketh feareth theis seuerall sumes following Amounting in all to Cliij li. xv s. ster. And that by meanes of the Rebellion <198 li._15s._00> hee is dampnified in and by the sale of a howse the summ of ffortie five Powndes or thereabouts Soe as his whole present losses by meanes of this Rebellion doe amount vnto the Summ of: And he is alsoe dampnified by the Losse of the proffittes rents & benefite of his Malt howse brew howse & other things belonging therevnto the summ of <156 li._00_00> One hundred fifty six Powndes ster: And hee is like to be deprived of & loose the future proffitts thereof vntill a peace be established: His present losses by meanes of the Rebellion being 344 li. 15 s. besides the future
<Dr J H B>
George Hamond
Jur 29o Maij 1645
fol. 315v
Corporall Geo: Hamond
Jur 29o Maij 1645
Intw Cf