Examination of Teige O’Carroll
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fol. 196r
<symbol> The further examjnacion of Teige ô Carroll of Crossenteigle in the Coun Queenes County yeoman taken the fowrth of March 1652 before vs, by order of the high Court of Justice,
<A> Who beeing duely sworne and examjned deposeth and saith, That about May last was tueluemonth the examjnant beeing then with Charles Dempsie and his Creaghts about Tinikilly Patricke Boyland tould the examjnant that hee and James Edmond Dempsie and Edward Sarsfeild (betweene the house of the said Morris Dempsie and Monasterevin) did meete with three Englishmen troopers, and that the said Edmond Dempsie did presently shott att one of the said Troopers and killed him with the said shott, that the said Patricke Boyland to oke an other of the said did offer to shoote at an other Trooper but his pistoll must would not fire wherevppon the said Boyland drew his sword and closed with the said trooper and threw him downe, but the said trooper recouered himselfe againe and struggling with the said Boyland the said Edmond Dempsie came to his assistance, which the said Trooper perceaueing called for Quarter which the said Dempsie and Boyland did graunt to him the said Sarsfeild haueing giuen quarter to the other
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other Trooper, but the next day after the said Edmond Dempsie Sarsfeild and Boyland carryed the said two tropers to the wood of <B> Killina where they caused [ ] a poore man to hang the called Shane ô Magher to hang the said troopers, Hee saith that the day that the said troopers were hanged and that the said Boyland had tould the same in manner aforesaid the examjnant did see with the said Boyland a hatt two Coates a payre of breeches and a dublett which hee the said Boyland said did belong to the said troopers the said Boyland allsoe tould that they did not take off the clothes of the man trooper that was killed but that his clothes was left for those that would bury him, an and that the hatt that did belong to the said Boyland had hee gaue to the man that hanged the said troopers and kept one of the said troopers hatts, which the said Boyland now weares, Hee saith that the said Boyland since the battle at Dongan=hill, hath not beene vnder any comand but liued at home with his father, but vpp yett hath gone with Tories abroad v ery as often when as they went vppon any designe, His cause of knowledge is that hee hath liued in the same Creaght with the said Boyland and hath obserued what hee deposeth, And further cannot depose
Teige [mark] ô Carrolls
taken by
Dl Huchinson:
William Gilbert
fol. 197r
fol. 197v
The further examjnacion
of Teige ô Carroll
The murther of three Patricke Boyland troopers
comitted by Patricke