Examination of William Harrold
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fol. 214r
[189 5] 1805
The examjnacion of William Harrold late of Roseberry in the County of Killdare now prisoner in Dublin aged the fforty yeares or thereabouts taken the 22th of March 1653
Who beeing duely examjned saith, That [ ] soone after Easter next after the rebellion in Ireland, the examjnant liued at Roseberry (beeing inployed there by Patricke Sarsfeild to ouersee the Corne of the widdow <A> Weldon,) and did diett and lodge in the house of Rowland Taylor of Roseberry Hee saith that about the tyme aforesaid the examjnant was tould by some of the Inhabitants of Roseberry that about the tyme aforesaid one William Harrold a soldier vnder the comand of Capt one oliuer Dongan a Captain of the Rebells had killed a boy neere the towne of Roseberry The examjnant saith that hee saw the said william Harrold that morning before the boy was killed but did not see him since, The examjnant saith that hee doth not remember that hee had at any tyme any discourse with Katherin Taylor or any other of the Inhabitants of Roseberry concerning the killing of the said boy, The examjnant further saith that about the begining of the Rebellion the examjnant beeing in Roseberry aforesaid
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aforesaid, th did there see heare that seuerall of the Rebells did come to the said towne of Roseberry about eleuen of the clocke at night, and did burne the [ ] house wherein the widdow Welldon did formerly liue, and did take out of the said house one Joan Blood who he was left in the said house by the Welldow Weldon to preserue her Corne and house from the Rebells Hee saith that the examjnant heareing seeing the [ ] said house on fire came thither and there did see the said Joan Blood amongst the said Rebells, and the examjnant beeing come to the said Rebells they tooke the examjnant prisoner <B> and bound him and one Rowland Taylor together and carryed them prisoners abou out of the towne of Roseberry, the said Joan Blood beeing allsoe carryed a prisoner with the said Rebells, and after they the said Joan Blood Rowland Taylor & the examjnant had beene carryed out of the towne as aforesaid one William mc Cartan since deceased one of the said Rebells did with a muskett shott the said Joan Blood in the backe and then shee immediatly fell downe and died, and whilst the said Rebells whe were stripping her of her the said Joan Blood of her clothes, the examjnant & the said Rowland Taylor escaped from the said Rebells, And further saith not
William [mark] Harrolds
Taken before vs the day & yeare aforesaid
William Gilbert William Markham
fol. 215r
1807 1897
fol. 215v
1808 1898
The examjnacion of
William Harrold