Examination of Daniell O Dowlen
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fol. 394r
The examination of Daniell o Dowlen of Ballen Rahen in the Barrony of Slewmargeh Taken before me this 5: of May June 1652
<A> Being duely sworne & examined sath That Sir Morgan Kauenagh Came with his Regiment of ffoote to beseidg BalleLenan in the Queenes County, haueing encamped him selfe in seuerall villidges aboute, the said BalleLenan, in the first yeare of the Rebellion (being in the yeare 1641 Capt Humphry Kauenagh being on of Sir Morgan Kauenaghes Regiment Apprehended ffiue English woemen one man & one Childe, which partyes weare hanged by the Neck by order of the said Humphry Kauenaghes in Castle Towne in the Barrony of Slewmargeh in the Queenes County, where the said Kauenagh was then quartered, by what Authority he knoweth not, his Cause of Knowledge of the premises is that he was then present in the said towne, when the partyes afforesaid weare executed & weare seruant to an English gentleman one Mr Edward [ Henry ] Clare whoe fformerly dwelt in the said towne, & was Bannished by the Irish party and ffurther saeth not
The marke [mark] of Daniell o Donelan
Deposed before mee the day and yeare first about written
Hen: Prittie
fol. 394v