Examination of James Keally
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=815398r445] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:12 PM
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fol. 398r
The Examination of James Keally of Ballyleaghan in the Queens Countie yeoman aged 30 yeares or thereabouts beinge dulye taken vpon oath the 28th of Octo: 1652
The said Examinante being duely sworne and examined saith that he liued in Ballylighan aforesaid in the begining of the Rebellion <A> being then a Coweheard to one Thomas Ovington, and that in lent time in the said yeare some of all the prey of his said Masters Cattle were taken away for prouision for the Irish [ ] campe that then lay in the towne of Castletowne o Moy and he this Examinant e coming thither sawe some souldiers hangeing some English in the said towne, and that the said souldiers did belonge to Morgan Keuanagh, as it was then Comonly reported and that he was comanded by a gentleman that comaunded the said souldiers to hange a childe as in longe coates about 4 yeares of age [ ] and further saith not.
James [mark]Keallys marks
Taken before vs the day and yeare aboue written
Hen: Prittie
Tho: Euans
fol. 398v