Examination of Michael Strong
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=815400r447] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:53 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 400r
30th of October 1652
Examinacions taken vppon oath against Edward Walsh
<A> Michael Strong of Rahine black hair aged 33 yeares being duely examined vppon oath saith that when Lo. Clanmalery & the Dunnes went to take Maryborough they he e sent a party to the towne, stayeing himselfe at the ridge And saith that Edward Dun mett some of the soldiers with a prisoner & asked whither they carried him & they aske answerd [ ] to the Lord Clanmalery & the said Edward Dunne said againe they should not carrye him to the said Lord, for hee the said Lord would spill a drop of his bloud: and saith that the said prisoner was killed there but this examinant knoweth not by whome but this examinant left Edward Dunne there when hee went away: & saith it was night tyme but by the light of the fire & by voice of the said Edward hee knew him & that hee talked with him. And further saith there wer four in this examinants Company. But before hee is but hee left them a little behind him & they came to him before the said Edward Dun spoke those words & wer present. & saith the prisoner was killed between the gap & the gate of the towne And that hee saw a horse & a sword with the said Edward Dunne & knowth not whither hee had any other Armes. And saith hee knew Edward Dunne before that tyme & his mother.