Deposition of Jeane Collens

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:03 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-01-31
Identifier: 815431r469


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Queen's Co
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Captivity, Multiple Killing, Stripping, Words
Commissioners: Daniel Hutchinson, Theophilus Jones, Thomas Long, William Gilbert
Deposition Transcription:

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<symbol> The examynation, Jeane Collens Collens of the Cittie of Dublin Spinster aged thirty yeers & vpwards, taken before vs who haue heervnto subscrybed (beeinge appoynted as a Comittee &c.)
<A> The sayd examinant sayth (beeinge duly sworne & examynd) that shee was dwellinge in the dysert in the Queens County with maior Jo: Pigott at the tyme when Owen Roe tooke the Castle of the Cullenough, the fort of Mary brogh & the house of Dysert (in which bee the sayd Maior Pigott dwelt, & was kild, on or about the first tewsday after Michaellmas day in the yeer 1646 this deponent sayth that about an hower before all the partye that tooke by storme the sayd maiors house Came too it there Came ab ou a messinger (as this

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examinant thinketh one ffarell an officer of the Irish partie, & was Lett in to the said house & there <B> did vse many arguments & speeches to haue the same deliuered vpp & after it was denyd him (by maior Pigot) hee went away againe, but whether the said ffarall bee hee that is now Caled Lieutenant General ffarell or noe, this examinant knowes not, And this Examinant sayth that presently after theare Came a trumpett with about 12 horse to the Gate of the said house, with a summons for the deliuery vpp thearof which was Refused by maior pigott whear vpon a Great partye of the Irish Came in to the Towne & sett fyer on the thatchte houses, & besett the said maiors house & ffell vpon & sett fyer in the hagard of Corne, & some out houses which belongd to the hous (or Castle) in which the maior this examinant & others was, & thear beeinge some men in the out houses they beeinge not able to defend them, retreated in to the {Castle}

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Great house (or Castle) and presently after the Enymye <C> Came to the wale of the hale that Joynd to the Great house or Castle afforesaid, & weare breakinge & did make a breach in a window of the said hale, whear vpon thear was a ar ley parly e beaten with a drum, which at the first was not head, but presently after & before any of the Enymye Came in to the said house or Castle thear was a Ces a Cessation off shootinge on both sydes, & the men that weare with in did lay down theyr armes, this examinants Cause of knowledge is that shee did see some of the men within, lay downe theyr armes, & shee this examinant tooke notiss that those without Ceased shooteinge, & the men within tould this examinant they had agreed to haue quarter of Lyfe Lyfe, & this examinant [foulle] sayth that shee was in a Roome aboue stayers where the maior was Rubbinge off his face that was sweattey & intendinge to Refres him selfe, & word was brought to

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to him that the Enymy was in the house (belowe, killinge his <D> men) whear vpon hee went to the stayers, theare mett with some of the enymye, & one of them tooke off his hatt then the maior askt them sayinge Gentlemen is this your quarter (or words to that effect) & then presently another of them tooke away the said maiors Cloake & thear vpon the maior stepped back in to the Roome, & presently ther was a Great number of the Enymye Gotten vpp, & they fell a killinge the menn, & strippinge the womenn that weare in the said Roome & thence Came vpp then Imedyatly a Lieutenant Collonel of the Irish, & layd hold on the maiors Collor, & tould him that hee would saue his lyfe, & the said maiors wyfe Cryd to her husband & sayd that thay weare strippinge her, whear vpon the maior wrested himselfe from the said Lieutenant Collonell; & what after wards became of him this examinant did not see, shee with dyvers others of the Gentleweomen beinge layd out in to an orchard, by the Lieutenant Collonell afforesayd and [ ]

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and this examinant further sayth that shee was tould by dyvers of the Enymye & by Mris Pigott (the said maiors wyfe & others that the maior was brought downe to the Grate <E> or doore (beeinge wounded & stript aboue the stayers) & there at the doore was kild to Gether with Mr William Pigott the maiors sonn, & Mr Robert Brertonn a minister, & whylest this examinant (with others) were prisoners & in the Enymyes hands, shee heard many of them to blame & condemn the said maior for houldinge out against such an armye, & that hee might haue had the fayerest quarters of any mann in the Countrye, & this examinant sayth that Mr Barnaby Dunn had the Charge of the Grate & that shee hath heard many of those t hat weare within the said house to blame him that the same was surprysed; & this examinant further sayth that shee doth beleiue that if the Grate had not bein soe surprised thear woulde a beein artickles made & that Quarter would haue bein be Giuen & performed to the said maior & to all that weare in the said house with him; & this examinant sayth that the said maior willed this examinant & his wyfe & Daughters, & this examinant, to putt on what apparel & linen thay could for hee Could not tell if (or not) any of them should haue libertye to Cary any more (than what was about them) away with them, & shee further sayth that shee this examinant {be}leeueth, the said maior did intend to

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to Goe out to Conclude (or to send out some one or more persons) to the <ff> the Enymye to Conclude vpon the termes for deliuery vpp of the s aid house or Castle & that in the Intrim the Enymyes souldiers did surprice the Grate & Gott in & did as is afforesaid This examinant further sayth that shee knowes not who it was (or the names) off the Enymyes partie that did agree vponn the Cessation or promysed to Giue & performe the Quarter afforesaid.
& further shee sayth not.
Jeane [mark] Collens her marke
taken by
Dl: Huchinson
Theo: Jones
William Gilbert
Thomas Long

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The Examination of Jane Collins taken the 31th of January 1652 concerning the murder of Piggott &c.

Deponent Fullname: Jeane Collens
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent Occupation: Spinster
Deponent County of Residence: Dublin
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Owen Roe, General ffarell, Jo: Pigott, William Pigott, Robert Brertonn, Mris Pigott, Barnaby Dunn
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Mentioned