Examination of Lt. Generall ffarell
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fol. 441r
Thexamynation of Lieutenant Generall ffarell taken the 14o feb: 1652, by vs who haue heer vnto subscrybed.
<A> The sayd Examinant beeinge du ly Examyned sayth that [ ] hee this examinant was at the takeinge of the fort of Marybrough & other Garissons in the Queens County about six <13> yeers agoe & that this examinant was Comanded by his then Generall vizt Generall Owen Roe ô <A> Neill, to Goe with a partie from about Marybrough afforesaid to take in the house of or Castle of Dysert whear in was one maior Pigott & others, & this examinant saith that the partie that went with him was a Regiment of foot of Coll Rorie MaGwyres & a Regimnent vnder Comand of this examinant with some Troopes of horse & others which now this examinant Canot nominate particular{ly} onely one Coll Rich Newgent of Westmeath was in the Company & did vse to march with Coll Magwyres Regiment, & this examinant doth not now Remember when the said Newgent had any horse vnder his owne Charge or not:
& this examinant sayth that before hee drove the partie afforesayd soe neer as within musquet shott of the Castle of the Dysert hee this examinant sent a Trumpett too sumon the sayd maior Pigott & proffered to Giue him (& all the people in the said Castle fayer quarter) as was Giuen to any other Garisson that was formerly taken in or
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or rather better, and his the said maiors answer was that hee would not deliuer vpp the said Castle, Except hee might see a <B> Comissyon for soe doeinge from the kinge (though this examinant saith that hee demaunded it for the vse of the kinge, & by Comand or Commissyon from the Supreame Councell then sittinge at kill keny, & by orders of his this his examinants Generall afforesaid) & this examinant sayth that hee sent his Trumpett back againe to the said maior, & willed him to send out all such Gentleweomen & other weamen & such men as weare vnarmed with theyr Goods, which this examinant did proffer to Convoy to any Garrison that the said maior should desyer <C> and this examinant sent the said maior notiss that hee had a worse Enymye neer him, vizt his Corne hay & strawe which would (beeinge sett on fyer) make him weary of the place, or words to that purpose, but the sayd maior refused, & denyed to deliuer vpp the said Castle, & thear vpon this examinant sent a message to the Generall afforesaid & acquaynted him with what had passed as is afforesayd, & then the said Generall Comanded this examinant to Cause a partie to advance & after the men weare beaten from the the houses & works that weare about the Castle
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the said partie did sett fyer on the houses & Corne & the said maior & his men kild a Captain & about 12 men with a Lieutenant, & a sargent or two of the <D> partie that this examinant soe Comanded to assault the Castle & to sett fyer as is afforesaid & this examinant saith that ther was not any partye beaten, that hee Euer heard off in the tyme that the said Castle was stormeing, & this examinant sayth that hee beeleiued that the men that were within the Castle were not able to shoote or defend themselues in Regard of the fyer for that all the windowes weare sett on fyer and this examinant saith that a son of Mr Barnaby Dun, came to this examinant wheare hee was in a feild with the partie, & desyred this examinant to Come neer to the Castle, & to saue his father who was thearein, & this examinant beeinge desyerous to saue both him, & as many others as hee Could, did Come neer to the Castle, & this examinant, sayd that hee would haue saued them all Two houres before, if themselues had pleasd, & this examinant did meet the said Barnaby Dun & 5 or six more of whome a Brother of the said maior was one, & them & as many more as this examinant could preserue from the fury of the souldiers hee this examinant did saue.
And this examinant saith that ther was not any promyse made by him of any Quarter (nor by any other officer that was in the partie that hee this examinant ever knew or heard off
& that thear was not any Cessation of shootinge Granted or Consent vnto (or knowne by) this examinant or by any others
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any other of the partie by the Comand order or knowledg of this examinant, and this examinant sayth that the said maior (as this examinant did & doth beleiue) was at the tyme of the storminge of the said Castle afforesaid in listed & in pay as alsoe the men that were with him All Alsoe this examinant saith that hee this examinant was at all tymes Carefull & fayth full in performinge & makeinge Good any Quarter that he promised as is very well knowne to severall persons And this examinant saith that hee knows not of any Quarter that any officer or other of this examinants partie did promise Quarter to the said maior or to any other in the said Castle, nor was any other officer in power to Giue Quarter, this examinant beeinge then Cheife in Comand of the said partie & further this examinant saith that the next d ay after the Castle was stormed, hee brought Mr Barnaby Dunn was afforesaid to the said Generall ô Neill who did swore that the said Dun should bee hangd, & this examinant thear vpon answered that if hee suffered, then that this examinant would never serue kinge in Ireland & thear vpon the said Generall wisht that this examinant might make his best benyfitt by Ransome off the said Mr Dunn of Mr Piggott, the said maiors Brother) but this examinant answered that hee would not demaund or take any thinge, & soe they were discharged, & further sayth not.
Richard ferrall
taken by
Dl: Huchinson
Rd: Tighe
Timothie Auerie