Deposition of Henry Newman
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:45 PM
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fol. 103r
Henry Newman late of Dromelayne in the parish of Tibberull barony of Cahir & within the County of Tipperary husbandman (a brittish protestant) duely sworne and and examined before vs by vertue of &c. deposeth & saith That on or aboute the first of January last and since the begining of this presente rebellion in Ireland he lost was robbed and forceably dispoyled of his goods and Chattles to the seuerall values followeing vzt
Of Cowes mares and horses to the value of pounds. Of houshouldstuffe and winter prouision to the value of six pounds. Of Corne in the haggard to the value of pounds. He saith that he was expelled and driuen away from his farme where he left in Corne in Ground lost by meanes of this rebellion to the value of pounds. The totall of his losses amounts to pounds.
fol. 103v
The examination
of Henry Newman