Examination of Hugh Conway
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=816238r150] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:34 AM
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fol. 238r
The examinacion of Hugh Conway comonly called by the Irish Hugh McDavy and John Hugh Connor of Athy gent taken the xvijth day of September 1652 before Thomas Dungan esquire and William Basil esquire Attorney generall for the Comon welth Justices of the peace within the Province of Leynster except the Counties of Kilkenny and Wexford
Who being duely examined sayes he denyeth that he was present at the killing of Alexander Sheriff and cutting of of the right hand Arme of Walter Apas, for that he was then at Clonmalira and did not heare of it vntill the next day after, But sayth that the same was don by two or three of his brothers and others in theyre company, But by whom of them it was don he doth not knowe And further sayth not
The mark of [mark] Hugh Conway
Gerrard: Lowther
Tho: Dungan
William Basil
fol. 238v
fol. 239r
fol. 239v
The examinacion of Hugh Conway comonly called by the Irish Hugh McDavy concerning the murder of Allexander Sheriff and cutting of the right hand of Walter Apas